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First Look Vs. Tradition- Waiting until the Ceremony, to see one another

The most common question I get from couples planning their Wedding Photography Timeline is about the First Look vs. Tradition:   
If you're not familiar with a First Look, it's a newer tradition that many couples are doing. Instead of waiting to see one another at the ceremony, they pick a special location to see one another before the ceremony, to ensure lots of time for photographs.
Not only have brides worried about this decision,  but I have seen legitimate concern on the groom's face about this topic as well. The fear of letting family down if you break tradition and/or the worry if you don't do a First Look photos won't get done.  I'm sure for brides and grooms it's stressful to hear everyone's opinion about it too! 
 Here is a quick break down about pro's and con's of both and how to use your Photography time productivity. 
Remember while you read this, to keep in mind what's important to you and your significant other.
Pro's of Tradition: 
1. The after ceremony glow you have of just marrying your soul mate, best friend and other half. 
2. You don't have to be ready hours before your ceremony. 
3. You're keeping with tradition and the groom's look is always priceless. 
4. All the people that you invited to be a part of your special day, get to see the look on your faces when you first see one another. 
5. The general feeling of pictures is much more intimate. The ceremony is done, most stresses are gone. 
Con's of Tradition: 
1. You will need to get pulled from your reception to finish up family, wedding party and bridal pictures. 
2. Family or friends might not be ready, causing delays in being at your reception to enjoy your guests. 
3. If it's a late ceremony, your pictures will need off camera flash, natural light might not be an option anymore. 
4. Break down of the ceremony site, means you won't get fun pictures by the set up. 
How to prepare for Tradition:
Are you a romantic and prefer all the emotions of a wedding. Is tradition VERY important to you?  Do you want a small break after the ceremony to snuggle up with your new spouse before everyone wants to say hi?!  Then think about following with Tradition, here are 4 tips on how to prepare.
(1) The best way to have a successful traditional first look is to plan. Sit with your Photographer and discuss a neutral location where you want photos, make sure to have a back up location as well. Your Photographer needs to visit the location. 
(2) It's very important that you communicate the location of photos with your families and wedding party. Photos should happen promptly after the ceremony, to ensure you get more time at your reception. One way to create a time out in your photographs, is to have a cocktail hour or a slide show. 
(3) Communicate with your DJ or Master of Ceremony to announce that pictures are immediately following the ceremony. Remember this does not take place of you communicating this with your families and wedding party. After the ceremony everyone should head to the agreed upon location.
(4) I recommend starting with family photos incase there are any elders or small children that need to get back inside. Wedding party pictures should follow, then a bridal session with you and your spouse. If all poses, locations and wants are communicated with your Photographer this should take no more than an hour. Time truly depends on wedding party and family size.  
*It's possible that just groom, bridesmaids and some family photos can get done before the ceremony if a location for pictures is discussed, to ensure that the bride and groom don't see one another. 


                  Here are a few images of brides and grooms that waited until the ceremony to see one another.  
 Now that you can think a little about the pro's and con's of Tradition, let's compare it to the pro's and con's of a First Look. 
Pro's of a First Look: 
1. The first time you see one another is now only about the two of you. 
2. The spot you chose to see one another at for the first time,  can forever be a memory between the two of you. 
3. There is much more time for pictures.
4. Less chance of being pulled during the reception for pictures. 
5. You get to enjoy your reception longer. 
Con's of a First Look: 
1. Bride and Grooms don't have the after the ceremony glow. (It will happen!! Just after the ceremony)
2. You need to be ready hours before the ceremony and make sure family and the wedding party are also prepared to be there hours early. Details for the wedding might also not be done, meaning detail shots can't be done.  Flowers may not be ready as well. 
3. Stresses arise about things not getting done in time for the ceremony, causing stressful looks on the bride and groom's faces in photos. 
4. You're not sharing the first time you see one another with your guests. 
How to prepare for a First Look:
Are you an organizer and enjoy checking things off your list sooner than later? Do you want all of your reception time and to start the party right away!?  Then think about doing a First Look. 
If you want to do a First Look here are a few tips on how to prepare. 
(1) Before the wedding, find a really special place at your venue or close by that you want to do your First Look at. This location will mean a lot to the both of you later on. Make sure your Photographer visits the location.  If you don't want to be bothered by others make sure it's a very intimate spot.
(1) Give you and your significant other at least 30 mins to an hour for pictures of just the two of you. Your Photographer and you should create a timeline together to ensure everything will go smoothly. This should include desired poses,  desired location, back up location and discussion on where you want to go to take more photos. 
(2) Use the rest of the time for family and wedding party photos. It's extremely important that you communicate with your family and wedding party what time and where photos will be. Giving your Photographer at least 3 hours before the ceremony will ensure all photos get done and leave down time for you and your significant other to relax.  Getting your pictures done before the ceremony will ensure that there is no dancing, mingling or eating time wasted. 
Here are a few images of brides and grooms that did a First Look. 
The last picture I wanted to show because Danielle did a First Look prior to the ceremony. Her reaction coming down the aisle was just as emotional. This isn't always the case, that's why I can't say it enough. What's best for you?!
For me I have two sides to think about. Myself when I was a bride and myself as a Photographer. Here are my opinions based on my own experiences as both.
 As a bride I LOVED my First Look because the tree where we saw each other first at is Our Tree. No one else's. However I LOVE my family and my new family, I wish they could have been a part of it now. For me personally I would probably follow with Tradition now or do a first look with all my family there.
As a Photographer I am still impartial to both. I want to get the most romantic, lovely and sweet pictures of the both of you. If doing a First Look is going to create that or following Tradition will,  I say do what's BEST FOR YOU. 
I hope that you can use this post to help you make the most informed decision about your Wedding Photography Timeline. Please don't hesitate to post questions or concerns below, I would love to answer them to the best of my knowledge. 
Stay Beautiful-
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Raney Day Photography Wedding Day Giveaway


Like Raney Day Photography on Facebook to enter the giveaway.

Please follow each step to qualify to be in the giveaway.

1.Email me (Jessica) at raneydayphotography@yahoo.com with a picture of you and your significant other,  with a detailed description of your love story. I will post it to the Raney Day Facebook page to get voted on.

2. Bring in the votes!!! First have your friends & family like Raney Day on Facebook, then like your picture. Promote your story and tell all your friends to vote for your picture!

 3. For a few bonus votes on your picture from my husband, my dad, my sister, my mother in law, and my Grandma, vote for Raney Day Photography for Best of Western Wa. They have agreed to like your picture when they see that you commented below with your name!


*The love story with the most votes will be declared the winner on my birthday, October 9th at 7am!

*The prize is a full day of wedding photography worth $3500! You will get a disc of 200 edited wedding images, and all your raw images.  Copyrights over your images and a free visit with me,  to your venue to map out your perfect wedding day!

*Engagements are not included.

Stay Beautiful!

~Jessica Raney

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~Dear 2014 Brides,

Wedding prices for next year are up! 

I can't believe how on top of this I am! Go Jessica
or my super organized, everything color coded,
labeled, and ordered chronologically alter ego
Roxanne might have done this!
Click pricing in tabs and scroll down! 
If you're currently interviewing photographers,
please email me at raneydayphotography@yahoo.com to set up a consultation. 
I would love to meet you!
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Dry Spells….

Hi Jessica,I was wondering if you can help me with something. I have been shooting now for a year,  and I am starting to feel I am losing my creativity. I can't think of anything new and different, to do on shoots. I try not to use Pinterest all the time, and ideas that other photographers have used. Do you have an advice?Thanks,No Creative Juices!Dear Creative Juices,Dry spells!!!! We all have them and remember it will only make your creativity stronger, while you get through this.First of all it's completely okay to use Pinterest and spin an idea to make it your own. You don't necessarily need to copy exactly what another photographer already did. However if the idea is something you would totally do, or something you had in mind already,  then go for it and make it your own. A great example are the gender reveal sessions. I see photographers do similar themes, but with different locations, colors, props, etc.I also can't stress enough,  ask your clients what they want. This will center your creativity. If a client says they want something woodsy and green, you can narrow down your ideas. For example, for a woodsy theme you can use pinecones, branches, and other elements to create a fun shoot. If a client wants you to take the reigns and create the shoot, then narrow down a theme and build off that.The most important thing is to make sure your clients are happy! If they are, then you're doing your job!!I hope this helps and happy shooting!!Stay Beautiful!Jessica 

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