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Miguel & Matt's Wedding in San Francisco & Seattle

There are two parts to this story and let me start by telling you the sunny San Francisco version. Grab your tissues, a glass of wine and be ready for a love story with heart ache, perseverance, and history.

There are two parts to this story and let me start by telling you the sunny San Francisco version. Grab your tissues, a glass of wine and be ready for a love story with heart ache, perseverance, and history. This is one for the books!

It’s hard to not want to write about how amazing Matt & Miguel are as individuals. Anyone that knows them knows this is true. They both have so much to offer the world and being together for 10 years you can feel that they always handled life's up and downs with grace and patience. Never showing signs of stress of frustration but only love and commitment to each other and those they love.

They’ve been together for 10 years and married on their 10th anniversary in beautiful San Francisco.



The day started out perfect. The sun rose, cascading its light through alleys separated by buildings climbing to the blue sky! Matt and Miguel's long time friend's Marissa & Joni stood by helping with ties, pouring champagne, laughing, celebrating not just this day but what the last decade has been like to get to this day. They knew the emotions and the more difficult moments that lead to this better than anyone else.






I wasn’t a part of their lives 10 years ago but as I watch childhood friends break down in tears, I can only imagine what their thoughts were, what they went through. Emotions stuffed down for years, finally coming to the surface, ready to be seen and heard. It’s happening, it’s beautiful and there’s no stopping it.

From Joni’s perspective (Matt’s longest childhood friend)

"I am so proud and in awe of the way both Matt and Miguel have done the hard work of establishing authenticity in their lives. They believe in living in the truth and facing life head on with all its messy reality. They are continually strengthening their relationships with the people they love and with each other."

"It was an honor to be in SF for the wedding. I kept thinking about all the brave LGBT community there that has never stopped fighting for equality. It was such a quintessential San Francisco experience with the ceremony at the beautiful courthouse, the reception in an incredible Victorian mansion, and dancing till dawn in the Castro! It was a weekend of LOVE that I’ll never forget and Jessica captured it all beautifully in her wonderful photos!"

Before we all left Matt & Miguel gave Joni & Marissa the most elegant Tiffany necklaces as a symbol of their gratitude for their unconditional support, love & devotion to their friendships.


Marissa, one of Miguel's childhood friends came all the way from Spain to be with the couple. When Miguel told her they were flying to San Fransisco to get married, Marissa didn't even hesitate to make sure she would be there.

Moments like these get me thinking as we get older and the true nature of real friendship. Even when you're not together all the time, or live in different time zones, the fact that your friend would fly across the world to be with you on your special day shows the amount of love and respect this friendship has built over the last two decades.

As this day is playing out, Marissa's happiness for her best friend,  shines through as hugs and smiles are exchange.


It's almost 2pm and time to meet at the San Francisco City Hall. Everyone finds their way there and as everyone meets by the front steps as wave of excitement hits. Smiles, laughter, hugs and this intense feeling of happiness floods us all.

My face is hidden behind the lens, but as I watch the most genuine people in the world all hug each other, truly excited for Matt & Miguel, tears role down my face. This is what love is all about. We talk about loving one another but to show it through your actions is a completely different aspect. Don't just tell people you love them, show it.




Everyone heads into San Francisco City Hall, if you have never been there. Put it on your bucket list of places to see. The only word that came to mind when we walked in, was grand! It's very grand! The high ceiling, flowing stair case, beautiful architecture and cascading columns. It was the perfect place for Matt and Miguel to say their I Do's!


Everyone waits patiently for Miguel's and Matt's turn. Vows are practiced, friends relax and wait. It's a calm moment and one to savor.





As the vows were read, 10 years of memories washed through the room. The energy was intense as Matt and Miguel both gave very moving speeches. There wasn't a dry eye when they reference their fur babies, Bella & Frank. The way they both take care of them and love them.






The adventure didn't stop here! Everyone headed to a Victorian Mansion that has been restored to it's original state for dinner.



As we all strolled in and climbed the stairs, their friends were waiting at the top of the balcony ready to give beautifully written toasts.

I think everyone could agree when Marissa said, "When Miguel first told me about Matt, I knew Matt was the one for him,  because I have never seen Miguel as happy as he was when he was with Matt."

Their happiness is evidence that they were meant to be together. They are better together and have created this circle of trust and happiness with those they love.

As we headed downstairs, you could smell the amazing dinner being prepared and couldn't help but appreciate the stunning table scape created by their friends.





The evening followed with lots of laughter and amazing food and wine. It was one of those nights you don't want to end because it feels almost magical. Matt and Miguel have created this feeling by just being themselves and inviting us all to join in.


The night ended with dancing and LOTS of laughter.

It was perfect.

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Nicole + Riley's Winter Wedding at Lord Hill Farms in Snohomish, Wa

It's winter and we're all praying for sunshine. It's been a gray and rainy winter in Washington and we are all used to that. Except this morning February 20th a hint of blue sky was making its appearance like a paint brush briefly swept across the sky with baby blue paint.

It's winter and we're all praying for sunshine. It's been a gray and rainy winter in Washington and we are all used to that. Except this morning February 20th a hint of blue sky was making its appearance like a paint brush briefly swept across the sky with baby blue paint. Everyone could feel the heat of the sunshine through the rooms and we all knew this was a magical day.

The Wedding Day of Nicole & Riley2016-03-31_0001.jpg

Nicole comes from a chinese culture. The dragon symbolizes the male strength, power and protection and the phoenix symbolizes the female and has been know to be a supernatural bird. It's known for it's benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and sincerity.

You can see her culture sprinkled throughout their wedding, in the qi pao (flower girl tops) her bridesmaid's are wearing kimono robes &  the ring bearer outfit and the wedding cake.2016-03-31_0003.jpgAs everyone shares stories of the history of Nicole and Riley it becomes apparent this day is filled with a lot of anticipation and eagerness. They've been together a decade, they have seen the best of times and the worst of times together. You can feel the energy in the room that Nicole has the biggest impact on Riley, more than anyone else in the world.

His sister quotes, "Riley is really shy, the only person he really opens up to it Nicole. My mom always says, I don't know who Riley would talk to if it wasn't for Nicole. We're so grateful for her."

When you think about it, it's actually really beautiful. How often in our lives do we meet or have that one person that makes us melt, time stops, they're perfectly imperfect in every way and in no way can we get enough of them. We always want more.

You can see the pride on Nicole's face. It's true, she does something to him. There's a trust, a natural instinct in which he is drawn to her. Everyone in the room can feel it too because we all feel calm, at peace while we're in Nicole's presence. She's very easy to be around. This must be a glimpse into Riley's world.2016-03-31_0002.jpg2016-03-31_0005.jpg2016-03-31_0006.jpg2016-03-31_0007.jpg


Their first look is calm like they are. There are small laughs and big smiles. They don't seem nervous but rather ready to be married. As their friends join them, the same calmness floats across the sky. There is a trust and great friendship with this group. They're easy to be around and take their roles in Riley & Nicole's celebration seriously while also finding the perfect cometic timing. 2016-03-31_0013.jpg2016-03-31_0014.jpg2016-03-31_0011.jpg2016-03-31_0015.jpg2016-03-31_0018.jpg2016-03-31_0019.jpg2016-03-31_0020.jpg2016-03-31_0022.jpg2016-03-31_0024.jpg2016-03-31_0025.jpg2016-03-31_0026.jpg2016-03-31_0023.jpg2016-03-31_0021.jpg2016-03-31_0027.jpg2016-03-31_0028.jpg2016-03-31_0029.jpg2016-03-31_0030.jpg2016-03-31_0031.jpg2016-03-31_0032.jpg2016-03-31_0033.jpg2016-03-31_0034.jpg2016-03-31_0035.jpg2016-03-31_0036.jpg2016-03-31_0045.jpg2016-03-31_0047.jpg2016-03-31_0037.jpg2016-03-31_0039.jpg2016-03-31_0040.jpg2016-03-31_0046.jpg2016-03-31_0041.jpg2016-03-31_0042.jpg2016-03-31_0043.jpg2016-03-31_0044.jpg2016-03-31_0048.jpg2016-03-31_0049.jpg2016-03-31_0050.jpg2016-03-31_0051.jpg2016-03-31_0052.jpg2016-03-31_0053.jpg2016-03-31_0054.jpg

As the night wrapped up and happy tears turned to smiles & dancing everyone could feel the sense of togetherness these two have brought. Two amazing families flooding the dance floor, smiling and laughing together. This is one celebration for the ages and will always be one to remember.2016-03-31_0055.jpg2016-03-31_0056.jpg2016-03-31_0057.jpg2016-03-31_0058.jpg


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Crystal & Deryk's Wedding at Bostic Lake Ranch

The day started calm as the boys laughed and snacked on goodies at the ranch. The ranch over looks a small Lake, the grass was freshly cut and lawn games were set out. The place was in full swing and smiles all around as everyone helped with set up.

The day started calm as the boys laughed and snacked on goodies at the ranch. The ranch over looks a small Lake, the grass was freshly cut and lawn games were set out. The place was in full swing and smiles all around as everyone helped with set up.


Crystal was still getting her hair pinned up and make up refreshed as Deryk folded his vows into his pocket. His groomsman patted him on the back and smiled, wishing him well and congratulating him on landing such a beauty as Crystal.


As the girls finished up the last touches in their hair and make up, they waited anxiously as Crystal put on her dress. The lace wrapped around her body like a glove and complimented her pearl skin. As she walked out, tears started to roll. Memories for everyone overflowed as this day was finally here. Hugs, kisses and more tears. It was time.


The ceremony site was full of Crystal and Deryk's closest family and friends. The sky showed small patches of blue and the sun tried desperately to seep in but the cloud coverage held back the demanding sun and offered cooling relief as summer had begun to end.


As Deryk and his son Bentley made their way down the aisle, waiting for mommy there was a warm and happy feeling in the air.

As Crystal made her way down the aisle, Deryk's face said it all. He was in love and had found the woman of his dreams, the beautiful mother of his son and his best friend for life.

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The ceremony was short and sweet. A first dance with bubbles created a whimsical look while everyone gathered around to watch. The children ran around popping the various sizes of soapy bubbles that changed colors in the light.

Everyone retreated upstairs where lights twinkled and created a warm feeling. Honey sticks were a sweet treat and engagement photos lined the wall of the happy couple. Burlap and lace hung on the walls and black lace wrap over the tables and beautiful white roses brighten up the room.

The night ended with toasts, cake cutting, dinner & dancing in the rain.


White rose pedals were thrown to wish the newlyweds off and the party continued into the night.

Congratulations Deryk & Crystal!


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Jon & Regan's Wedding at The Lake House

Sometimes life is just humming along and you're going with the flow. A typical day, get up, play with your dogs, grab your coffee & call your sister. Life just hums along. Then in a moment the hum changes…

Sometimes life is just humming along and you're going with the flow. A typical day, get up, play with your dogs, grab your coffee & call your sister. Life just hums along. Then in a moment the hum changes…

Your boyfriend plans a surprise proposal and the next thing you know you're planning a wedding and in a month you've been engaged, got married and flew to Germany to live with your new husband. Sometimes life just hums along to its own beat but gives you the most beautiful memories to hold onto forever.


The morning sunshine lights up the house and glimmers over the lake. Regan's dress is pressed and hung. The girls are curling their hair and family members are placing the last details around the house.

Jon is downstairs and seems eager to get the day going and marry his bride. He seems happy and light hearted as he jokes around with his groomsman. There is an overall feeling around the house that is exactly where everyone should be on this day. It's bittersweet as all their loved ones gather in one space before they leave for Germany to live, in just a few short days.


Back in the girls room, Regan slides in to her dress, it fits like a glove and perfectly matches her personality. Her new cowgirl boots compliment the dress and her long blonde hair cascades down her back.

Its time for the first look, again no one seems nervous but rather excited and happy. Jon heads down the path and over a small bridge to wait on top of a small hill for Regan. His back is turned so he can't see her and he is all smiles. His body language says he has been waiting for this day for a long time and his mind is on one thing, Regan.


Regan glides down the path and the flowers compliment her smile. The slight breeze catches her dress and she looks like goddess as it flows around her. She calls out to Jon that she's coming and his spirits if possible lift even higher. His shoulders raise and a smile dashes across his face. She covers his eyes with her small hands and perfectly polished nails. He smiles again and turns around. His face expression is like a child on Christmas, the excitement, the joy radiates in the air.


They embrace, holding each other tightly, not worried about messing up their outfits or hair. This moment is for them and them only.

After a few moments alone and pictures the wedding party comes dashing up. "I wanted to cry, it was so beautiful to see your first look!" "You both look amazing!" "This is such a perfect day!" Everyone calls out!

Photographs are taken to document the mood, the colors, the special people and the overall magical feeling that is happening.


Everyone heads back to the house to prep for the ceremony. It's a full house as guests are seated by the house and down by the lake. The ceremony site is on a dock, projecting over the shimmering Lake. The sun is shining brightly and illuminating the flowers that decorate the site. As the music starts everyone slowly walks down the stairs to the dock including Regan's dog Reese, when it's Regan's turn everyone stands and sighs in awe at how beautiful she looks.


The ceremony is short and sweet but doesn't miss a beat on talking about their love story. Friends first, walking their dogs at a local dog park together, never pressuring one another for more but letting the relationship bloom organically into something beautiful.


They kiss and cheers break out! They almost dance down the aisle in happiness and seem proud they pulled off an amazing wedding in such a short time! The fun and excitement doesn't end here though!


The night is filled with a BBQ dinner at picnic tables placed around the property, everyone gathers for drinks and popcorn downstairs, dancing erupts, sunset pictures, heartfelt toasts, ice cream cones drips in children's hand and a funny dance of Let it Go from Frozen brings all the young girls to the dance floor!


The dancing continues late into the night and sparklers are lit while everyone is still dancing! It seems like a dream where time has stopped.  Almost everyone stayed until the last song was played! Life has played the perfect hum for these two and it was clear everyone agreed this was meant to be!

Congratulations Jon and Regan!



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Greg & Jordan's Wedding at Maroni Meadows

The sun beams through the trees, giving its light in abundance. Maroni Meadows is draping with willow trees and green leaves as summer is still in charge. The venue is calm and peaceful, you can hear soft chatter in the bridal suite.

The sun beams through the trees, giving its light in abundance. Maroni Meadows is draping with willow trees and green leaves as summer is still in charge. The venue is calm and peaceful, you can hear soft chatter in the bridal suite. Jordan helps her mom with her hair and glides around the bridal suite lending a helping hand. Her bridal party gives her a hard time and reminds her, it's her day and they're happy to help. She smiles gracefully and cracks a joke. Her dress hangs on the barn doors while the flowers sit in water basking in the sunlight. Everyone is near ready and its time to put her dress on. It fits like a glove as it's slides up her. Loving sighs are heard throughout the suite. "Jordan, it's beautiful!" "I have never seen such a beautiful dress!" "Jordan, you're so stunning!" Jordan softly smiles but you can see in her eyes she is still trying to find ways to help out. It's in her nature, see a need, fill a need but not today. Her bridal party continues to urge her to just enjoy this moment. She gives in and you can see the softness in her face,  in this moment this is exactly where she wants to be.

The groomsman are getting ready across the venue at, "The Pub." Each groom providing laughter in their own way. You can instantly see why Greg chose each groomsman for his wedding. They all offer help when needed, thinking ahead, creating comic relief and just being good friends. As photographs are shot, the laughter hardly lets up. This is a fun, energetic group. I can't help but laugh out loud as I hide behind my camera. Behind the lens I see moments between the laughter. Greg seems eager, excited and is exactly where he needs to be. Without saying it I can tell his mind is on Jordan.

Family photos are taken and everyone wraps up the rest of the small details. The ceremony site is ready and the trees create enough relieving shade to cover everyone from the heat. Greg walks down the aisle, again he seems excited eager to see Jordan. It's clear she is consuming his every thought. You can smell the flowers displayed around the ceremony as you walk by. Everyone hushes as Jordan makes her way from the bridal suite. Greg doesn't break his smile, its permanent. As Jordan makes her way around the corner and down the aisle Greg's face softens and seems completely taken back.

The ceremony is short and sweet with laughter, stories and exchanging of the rings. Every chair is occupied and all eyes and ears are on the couple. As they have their first kiss and smile down the aisle everyone is eager to get the party started.

A short cocktail hour begins as the sun begins to set and the lights strung across the meadows are turned on. Mason jar candles are lit and everyone has a wine glass in hand which was a thank you gift from the bride and groom. Dinner starts and toasts are giving. There isn't a dry eye in the house as heartfelt stories are told. Everyone in the room holds a special meaning in Jordan and Greg's life and it is felt.

Before the sun sets entirely,  I take Jordan and Greg out for some alone time and sunset photos. There is a calm about them and they seem at peace. They're gentle with their kisses and hugs, almost as if it's magic to touch one another. As we wrap up photos and head back to the venue, the party has started. There are people dancing, playing games on the lawn and lots of laughter at every corner. It's a magical evening with the perfect couple, perfect guest and perfect night.

Congratulations Jordan and Greg!

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Jeremy & Melisa married at Fontaine Estates Winery in Naches Valley

If there was ever a magical place to get married at, it would be 2 hours from Seattle where the weather is sunny most of the year, wineries spread like butter across the landscape and fruit trees send a sweet scent threw the air. Fontaine Estates Winery is one of the most beautiful venues I have ever seen.

If there was ever a magical place to get married at, it would be 2 hours from Seattle where the weather is sunny most of the year, wineries spread like butter across the landscape and fruit trees send a sweet scent threw the air. Fontaine Estates Winery is one of the most beautiful venues I have ever seen.

I met up with Melisa the morning of her wedding day, she was glowing as the sun beamed through the windows behind her. Her bridesmaids were running around making sure everything was going to be perfect for her and Jeremy. Jeremy was on the other side of the winery with his groomsman getting ready. I strolled past a few wine barrels and glimmering lights in the reception area as friends and family helped with decorations. Jeremy was calm and ready for the day. His groomsman patted him on the back reminding him how lucky he was to have a Melisa and he smiled in agreement.

The ceremony started and everyone was all smiles. Red roses draped around the ceremony site and the sun beamed down.

Jeremy smiled at his family and friends as he waited anxiously for Melisa.

As Melisa walked out with her father in hand and her other dad ready to marry them she smiled with joy.

Jeremy's smiled got really big when he saw her, the guests stood up in awe at how beautiful she looked. Melisa's beauty was radiating hotter than the sun.

The ceremony was short and sweet and ended with a kiss and rose pedals being tossed at the bride and groom. Smiles erupted as everyone filed out ready to get the party started.

Toasts were the place to be at as everyone laughed and cried tears of joys.

The sun began to set so we took some time to head out to the orchards and get some pictures before they danced the night away.

The night ended with dancing, hugs, tears of gratitude and sparklers!

Congratulations Melisa and Jeremy


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Michael & Jayna's Wedding at The Bellevue Club

If the most loveliest, elegant, brings you to tears while you smile love poem could ever be acted out in a single day Jayna and Michael's Wedding would reflect that poem.

If the most loveliest, elegant, brings you to tears while you smile love poem could ever be acted out in a single day Jayna and Michael's Wedding would reflect that poem.

As grey clouds rolled in over Bellevue hints of sunshine beamed through the clouds. All the girls smiled and laughed as they got ready in their hotel room. Jayna was swarmed with love and support from her family and friends. Even before she got her lace, open backe white wedding dress on everyone couldn't stop gushing about how radiant she looked. Jayna brings out a calm in people, with her soft voice, child like laugh and beaming brown eyes.

As her sister and mother helped zip up her dress, gasps could be heard around the room. Her veil draped gently over her shoulders and the sun beamed through the window. She was perfect. It was time to head to the ceremony.

A few floors down the men were getting ready. A playful basketball was wrapping up and the guys suited up. Michael was eager, ready, he needed to see his bride. She was all he ever wanted, more than he felt he deserved and more beautiful to him than any other woman on Earth. Jayna was meant for him. He needed to see her.

Before the ceremony there was a prayer to be give to the couple. They met, back to back while only their hands embraced. As Jayna walked out of the room for the prayer she only saw the back of Michael and his hand waiting for her hand. She instantly broke out in tears. Here he was, the man she was meant to marry, waiting patiently for her. His love was true, real and only for her. Everyone felt it.

As the ceremony began the emotions began to fill the room. Smiles, laughter, joy and an excitement among everyone that this was happening. The smell of flowers lightly scented the room and the glow from the stage created a beautiful ambiance.

The poem continued to be acted out as a ballet danced glided across the aisle and words from the vows, a speech from a bridesmaid flouted around the room.

"You saw the real me."

"She was more than a friend."

"This love was different."

"Behind my mask you saw the real me."

If love could fill a room this was the moment it did. Jayna and Michael turned this room into more than it was, walls illuminated white and purples lights while flower pedals cascaded across the floor. It felt like a dream.

As they sealed their loved with a kiss, cheers broke out and everyone smiled cheering for joy!

The night continued with pictures at the park and a time to let loose on the party bus. The excitement couldn't be contained as everyone reflected on how successful the ceremony had gone. Pictures were done and everyone jumped back onto the bus to head to the party.

Everyone was ready!

The reception started off with a hit and everyone dancing their way in. Toasts provided more tears of joy and laughs as Jayna and Michael's history was told in a love story through their family and friend's eyes. The first dances showed an elegance and love for one another and smiles were passed along.

The party music started and everyone jumped in. It was time to celebrate!

Congratulations Michael & Jayna!

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Jamie and Kaitlin married at Delille Cellars in Woodinville, Wa

There are times in life when your path just crosses with the right people. I instantly fell in love with Kaitlin as she was teacher, so I knew KNEW JUST KNEW she had a heart of gold! She was a hard worker, focused and kind.

There are times in life when your path just crosses with the right people. I instantly fell in love with Kaitlin as she was teacher, so I knew KNEW JUST KNEW she had a heart of gold!  She was a hard worker, focused and kind. When I found out more about Jamie and realized his views on adoption were the same as mine, I instantly felt like I had met two of the most amazing people in the world.

Two people with amazing paths, families, and life stories. I can't think of a better couple that should marry and what an honor that I get to photograph their wedding day.

The wedding was being held at Delille Cellars in Woodinville. The winery over looks a beautiful landscape of fields and green trees. The sun was beaming and it was one of the hottest days of summer. No chance of rain!

 As I walked up to the bridal suit, the room was calm and I was greeted with kind smiles.  Girls were laughing, grandma's reminiscing and everyone was eager to lend a helping hand. The art of making a bride feel special, was not lost in this room. As everyone carefully made sure every last detail of Kaitlin was done,  her girls walked her out for her first look with Jamie.

Jamie was full of emotions! Excited, eager, happy, thrilled! Watching him get ready for his first look was really sweet.

When Kaitlin tapped him on the shoulders, he slowly turned around and his arms went up! You could hear him from all over the winery, "OH MY!!!" He covered his face with his hands, in disbelief that Kaitlin was his. She was his forever.

We started photographing families and the wedding party,  as decorators finished the last details draping red roses all over the venue.

I watched as Kaitlin held her dad's hand as her wedding party began to walk to the ceremony. They hugged numerous times.  I could see a heart of gold, a close family, loving, hard working and dedicated to one another. Kaitlin was beaming as she walked down the aisle, trees draping over her and her dad,  the smell of red roses slightly lifted through the air. It didn't take long for tears to start rolling. Every angle my camera pointed someone was whipping a tear from their face and smiling. Vows were read and the sun was lightly resting behind the trees.

As they had their first kiss as husband and wife, cheers broke out as they ran down the aisle! They had done it, they were married!!

Everyone almost danced out of their seats, eager to congratulate them! They signed their marriage license, enjoyed a sweet cocktail hour with all their guests,  huddled in the shade hugging and laughing. The night was just beginning!

The night continued on with toasts, hugs, laughter, inside jokes, tears and more hugs. It was clear, I was not the only one that thought these two people were amazing as individuals but together, they were unbelieveable. You could feel the love radiating through the venue, every corner I turned someone was smiling or speaking highly of Jamie and Kaitlin.

The sun began to set and a nice cool breeze came over Delille. Everyone was ready to dance, we quickly stole a moment for sunset photos and they eagerly ran back in ready to start the party. Many times, when dinner and toasts are over, guest slowly trickle out and head home. Not this party, the dance floor was packed and everyone was having a great time. Kids were being swung around and grandmas were being dragged out to the dance floor, with a huge smile on their face of course!

It was a night to remember and probably the most smiles I ever seen in one room!

Congratulations Jamie & Kaitlin!


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Chris & Amber's Port Gamble Wedding at The Hood Canal Vista Pavilion

I've photographed many weddings. Each wedding has its own special something, whether it's decorations, wedding entire, special surprises, emotional moments, and/or special guests.

I've photographed many weddings. Each wedding has it's own special something, wheither it's decorations, wedding entire, special surprises, emotional moments and/or special guests. This wedding had it all. Chris and Amber had guests from all over the states as they came to show their support and love. Tears were over flowing more than a shakin champanque bottle. Smiles from every corner created a calm and fun atmosphere. Chris's groomsman and friend from college, surprised the couple with a beautiful song he wrote & performed. Amber glowed in her vintage mint green wedding dress and pops of purple flooded the venue. Flower girls danced on their tippy toes in their purple handmade dresses as everyone gathered around the bride and groom, just hoping to get a quick moment with them. As the afternoon set in, a perfect breeze filled the dancing area and the sunset over the sparkling water in Port Gamble. It was a perfect evening filled with perfect pair.


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Dallas & Naomi's Elopement in Seattle at Sunset

Everything was planned simply & quickly for Dallas & Naomi. Bouquets from Seattle Flower Truck, Dallas is a hair dresser, he did his bride's hair in stunning flowing curls and they ran to Seattle Courthouse where 10 of their closest family & friends waited for them

Everything was planned simply & quickly for Dallas & Naomi. Bouquets from Seattle Flower Truck, Dallas is a hair dresser, he did his bride's hair in stunning flowing curls and they ran to Seattle Courthouse where 10 of their closest family & friends waited for them. The sun was setting as they got to the Roof Terrace at the courthouse and in a quick ceremony were announced husband & wife! Everyone cheered & laughed as they witnessed this true love story fold out in front of their eyes.


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