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Happy Posts, Telling My Story Jessica Raney Happy Posts, Telling My Story Jessica Raney

Mother's Day Event 2016 at Bostic Lake Ranch in Redmond, Wa

The night is still young but the event is winding down, some of you have chosen to stay. We head up the wooden stairs to the upper loft of the barn at Bostic Lake Ranch. The ceilings are high and drenched with white christmas lights.

The night is still young but the event is winding down, some of you have chosen to stay. We head up the wooden stairs to the upper loft of the barn at Bostic Lake Ranch. The ceilings are high and drenched with white christmas lights. When you squint your eyes it's like a million shining stars, the ambiance of the room is calm, warm and welcoming. We pull up chairs and squish ourselves to one table so we can be closer. Elbows and knees touching but smiling and laugher fills the loft. The left over wine sets in the middle of the table and dessert is beckoning at each of us to just take one bite of that beautiful naked cake!

I think Sarah W. starts and gets us laughing so hard about her mom's new boobs. "She was so proud of them, she wouldn't wear a shirt or bra and just go walking outside."

Roughly 5 hours before we were all sitting around a table together, girls from all over Washington state pulled up to Bostic Lake Ranch, the sun was shining and magic was in the air. As girls filed in, make up and hair started.

They were all different but here for the same reason, at a young age they all lost their mothers. Some didn't have their mother's at their wedding to pester them about their hair style or to be a grandma when they had their first child. Each story is a little different but one thing is for sure, they all loved their mother's to the core of their being, and every word of wisdom their mother shared with them dances on their hearts daily & feels even stronger as mother's day rolls around.

Here's what happens when they all meet.

Sisters Tara and Alicia lost their mother more recently and the tears are flowing. Girls that have been going through this for a long time, offer loving advice, always real and genuine. "It never gets easier sweet, but you learn to live with it and realize she's still here if you just talk to her."

As the night ends, the moon shines bright, the girls hug for a long time, constantly exchanging I love yous, swearing this is exactly what they needed but didn't even know they needed it.

Love Always,


   Thank you to all our sponsors including families that donated $25.00 a piece to cover costs! We are so grateful to be able to put the event on!Venue- Bostic Lake RanchTable Setting Design, Invitation Design & pretty much there to make it AWESOME! - Alissa Lawton with Gather EventsMake up and Hair ArtistsMichelle WightMake up by TimmiArmand LeslieDanielle HarriganTaylor WickmanAdrienne Ryan GrayDinner & Apeteizers_ El Gaucho- Bellevue  &  Juice BarGift bags- Wine from Delille Cellars, Cards- Kaitlin Goodey  Jewelry from LoriFurniture- Becca from Northwest Vintage RentalsTables-Seattle Farm TablesMusic-Leslie Ann Wheatley with Seattle PartiesPhotographers Miguel Cornelio Photography & Devion Hagen PhotographyFlowers & Flower Crowns- Althauser Design

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Miguel & Matt's Wedding in San Francisco & Seattle

There are two parts to this story and let me start by telling you the sunny San Francisco version. Grab your tissues, a glass of wine and be ready for a love story with heart ache, perseverance, and history.

There are two parts to this story and let me start by telling you the sunny San Francisco version. Grab your tissues, a glass of wine and be ready for a love story with heart ache, perseverance, and history. This is one for the books!

It’s hard to not want to write about how amazing Matt & Miguel are as individuals. Anyone that knows them knows this is true. They both have so much to offer the world and being together for 10 years you can feel that they always handled life's up and downs with grace and patience. Never showing signs of stress of frustration but only love and commitment to each other and those they love.

They’ve been together for 10 years and married on their 10th anniversary in beautiful San Francisco.



The day started out perfect. The sun rose, cascading its light through alleys separated by buildings climbing to the blue sky! Matt and Miguel's long time friend's Marissa & Joni stood by helping with ties, pouring champagne, laughing, celebrating not just this day but what the last decade has been like to get to this day. They knew the emotions and the more difficult moments that lead to this better than anyone else.






I wasn’t a part of their lives 10 years ago but as I watch childhood friends break down in tears, I can only imagine what their thoughts were, what they went through. Emotions stuffed down for years, finally coming to the surface, ready to be seen and heard. It’s happening, it’s beautiful and there’s no stopping it.

From Joni’s perspective (Matt’s longest childhood friend)

"I am so proud and in awe of the way both Matt and Miguel have done the hard work of establishing authenticity in their lives. They believe in living in the truth and facing life head on with all its messy reality. They are continually strengthening their relationships with the people they love and with each other."

"It was an honor to be in SF for the wedding. I kept thinking about all the brave LGBT community there that has never stopped fighting for equality. It was such a quintessential San Francisco experience with the ceremony at the beautiful courthouse, the reception in an incredible Victorian mansion, and dancing till dawn in the Castro! It was a weekend of LOVE that I’ll never forget and Jessica captured it all beautifully in her wonderful photos!"

Before we all left Matt & Miguel gave Joni & Marissa the most elegant Tiffany necklaces as a symbol of their gratitude for their unconditional support, love & devotion to their friendships.


Marissa, one of Miguel's childhood friends came all the way from Spain to be with the couple. When Miguel told her they were flying to San Fransisco to get married, Marissa didn't even hesitate to make sure she would be there.

Moments like these get me thinking as we get older and the true nature of real friendship. Even when you're not together all the time, or live in different time zones, the fact that your friend would fly across the world to be with you on your special day shows the amount of love and respect this friendship has built over the last two decades.

As this day is playing out, Marissa's happiness for her best friend,  shines through as hugs and smiles are exchange.


It's almost 2pm and time to meet at the San Francisco City Hall. Everyone finds their way there and as everyone meets by the front steps as wave of excitement hits. Smiles, laughter, hugs and this intense feeling of happiness floods us all.

My face is hidden behind the lens, but as I watch the most genuine people in the world all hug each other, truly excited for Matt & Miguel, tears role down my face. This is what love is all about. We talk about loving one another but to show it through your actions is a completely different aspect. Don't just tell people you love them, show it.




Everyone heads into San Francisco City Hall, if you have never been there. Put it on your bucket list of places to see. The only word that came to mind when we walked in, was grand! It's very grand! The high ceiling, flowing stair case, beautiful architecture and cascading columns. It was the perfect place for Matt and Miguel to say their I Do's!


Everyone waits patiently for Miguel's and Matt's turn. Vows are practiced, friends relax and wait. It's a calm moment and one to savor.





As the vows were read, 10 years of memories washed through the room. The energy was intense as Matt and Miguel both gave very moving speeches. There wasn't a dry eye when they reference their fur babies, Bella & Frank. The way they both take care of them and love them.






The adventure didn't stop here! Everyone headed to a Victorian Mansion that has been restored to it's original state for dinner.



As we all strolled in and climbed the stairs, their friends were waiting at the top of the balcony ready to give beautifully written toasts.

I think everyone could agree when Marissa said, "When Miguel first told me about Matt, I knew Matt was the one for him,  because I have never seen Miguel as happy as he was when he was with Matt."

Their happiness is evidence that they were meant to be together. They are better together and have created this circle of trust and happiness with those they love.

As we headed downstairs, you could smell the amazing dinner being prepared and couldn't help but appreciate the stunning table scape created by their friends.





The evening followed with lots of laughter and amazing food and wine. It was one of those nights you don't want to end because it feels almost magical. Matt and Miguel have created this feeling by just being themselves and inviting us all to join in.


The night ended with dancing and LOTS of laughter.

It was perfect.

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Let me start off by saying growing up I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up. This happens often with artists because we often have many things we love doing!

Let me start off by saying growing up I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up. This happens often with artists because we often have many things we love doing! I wanted to be a dancer, if possible for Mariah Carey, a writer, maybe someone who drew pretty things for holiday cards, a basketball player, a pianist, the list goes on.

People often commented that I was great with children and that I should go into teaching.

 I remember being 18 and driving to my barista job, that I LOVED.  I was thinking, why is there so much pressure to know what you want to do? What if I figure it out,  but not until I'm older? Which is exactly what happen.

Fast forward 6 years later and 100's of lattes later.

I had been teaching for 2 years. It was late, around 11pm and I couldn't sleep. My husband was fast asleep next to me and my brain was going 100 mph. I wasn't happy with where my career was going. I had gotten home that night around 7pm. We had Open House that night. Of course all of us teacher's swore we wouldn't talk late to parents so we could be home at a decent hour to be with our own families but we never follow through. We are all talk, of course we will stay late. We care about our students as if they're our own children.


We all should have been done by 6pm,  but parents have questions so we stay. We smile, we glance at the clock when they're not looking at us, and keep a smile. Anwsering every question. We know they work too and face to face conversations are always more effective. So we stay.  The next parent comes, same questions, same answers, same smiles. Glance at the clock. They thank us repeatedly for our time, I smile and say you're welcome. Okay maybe Open House wasn't so bad.

My daughter's bed time is in an hour and I haven't seen her all day.  Another question, another smile, glance at the clock. I want to go home.


Mykenzie at 3 Years old! Our neighbor Andrea and my college roommate used to watch her for me and gifted me with these adorable pictures!

I ran to my car, literally full out sprint. It's 7:15pm and I live 3.5 miles away. I do the math and figure I can get home by 7:25 if the red light at Market Street isn't heavy with traffic. It's pouring outside and the rain feels great on my head, except my feet are soaked. I blast the heat on my feet and take off. I zoom past Taco Bell resisting the urge to feed my stress with a delicious Crunch Wrap Supreme. I hesitate and almost turn around for that Crunch Wrap but than I remember my daughter.

DANG IT! Fender bender at Market Street, this light is cursed!! I should have stopped at Taco Bell.


Holding Mykenzie when she was just a few months old and I was 18.

I'm home by 7:45pm  and my daughter is in her pajamas, playing with her toys.  She runs up and hugs me, my husband hands me a glass of wine and says dinner is in the fridge. I tell him about Open House, my daughter tells me about her day before she brushes her teeth and I tuck her in.

My husband and I snuggle up on the couch and watch whatever is on channel 4, 5, or 7.  We can't afford cable so we watch whatever is on and mostly talk about our day.  A rerun of Big Bang Theory plays in the background, my husband says we have already seen this one so we decide to move to our nightly routine.

Our routine is one of my favorite times of the day.


I had been working on my Master's Program after teaching all day. Yes, that's a cat taking advantage of my tired state.

We grunt and helped each other up and head to the kitchen. It's time to prep for tomorrow. Taylor Swift's album, Fearless has become our cleaning album. When you have a young child, you learn quickly that your Eminem, Rage Against the Machine, and other music you love just can't be blasted in house anymore. Anytime I hear White Horse, I have an urge to do the dishes!

I turn the iHome on, scroll to T-swift and we move around our 7 x 7 feet kitchen space getting coffee ready,  lunches,  dishes,  wiping counters,  joking around,  kissing,  prepping smoothies,  putting leftovers away, deciding on which mugs to use and setting out travel mugs,  feed the cat,  kiss again, hold the cat for a second,  fill water bottles,  whip off the stove,  sweep,  kiss,  mop,  set lunch boxes out, prep breakfast,  hold the cat again,  dream of having a bigger kitchen,  kiss,  take garbage out, and turn off iHome. We got through 5 Taylor Swift songs and lights out. Head to bed.

We read for a little while, joked around and lights out. Chris normally works night shift so he is asleep fast within minutes.

Mom brain happens.

I start reflecting on Open House, what I promised families, what do I need to bring tomorrow, who do I need to email, who forgot which form…..this goes on for what feels like forever. I glance at the clock. I've been laying here for 2 hours thinking about my to do list for tomorrow.

I determine it's a waste of time,  because I'm now messing with my sleep and I can't accomplish any of it right now.  I saw my own family for maybe an hour, my daughter for 15 mins! I'm losing sleep over things that won't get done if I'm half asleep tomorrow!

Now I'M REALLY MAD!! I realize something needs to change and NOW!!!

I calm down, and think to myself the first thought that changed it all.

I don't want to do this anymore.

That is when everything changes.


I pray.

I can see the street lamp letting in a yellow ambiance through our 1950's curtains that came with the apartment, and I stare at it. Like it has some power, street lamp, help me.

I think if my life has to be like this for the next 30 years, I will throw up.  I'm ready to let go, whatever I am MEANT to do, I'm giving it to you, God, universe, street lamp, whatever is out there. I'm yours. I'm done being in control, this isn't what I want. I want more time with my family, I want to watch my daughter grow up, not only spend quality time with my husband when we are doing our nightly routine,  TIME I want more TIME!

 I'm ready, I am letting go. I did the single most hardest thing I think any human being has a hard time with.

Letting go.

I fell asleep and truly let go. If the universe felt I need to work fast food, I would have done it. That's how much I truly let go! As long as it was Taco Bell.

The change happened instantly.

2 Weeks later.

I had taken some photographs of my daughter at sunset.  I had a history with Photography but didn't really take it seriously or ever believe I could make a living with it.

First Lesson: When you don't believe in yourself,  you're your own worst enemy.


The lighting was addicting.  It was beautiful and I had wondered if other photographers had caught on to this beautiful light.  Now I know it's called the "Golden Hour." Silly me!

A friend saw the images on Facebook, she asked if I could take images of her kids. I laughed, not realizing this would be my start.

I took her images for free, she bought me dinner. I delivered the images that night via Facebook. She shared them, people commented…tons of comments. I sat at my kitchen table with my laptop refreshing the screen to read new comments. It was addicting, it was a high. What the hell, they're just pictures, why are people loving these?

Literally dozens and dozens of comments. By the end of the night I had 4 shoots lined up for the weekend.

I completed all the shoots, for free. I realize how much time I was using up, my weekends are my time with family but it felt right. I wasn't sure how to express it but yes I was working full time as a teacher then using my weekends to shoot. How is this helping me spend more time with my family, I'm actually spending less but for some reason it feels RIGHT.

The next weekend I had booked 2 more shoots and decided to charge $20 for my time.

The next weekend I had my first engagement session at Pike Place. They asked me to shoot their wedding. I was excited and nervous so I offered to do it for free.

The engagement sessions got me a couple other weddings. Weird.

My first wedding came. I LOVED IT! LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT!!

Instead of coming home tired, mad, exhausted, I was dancing through the door. Excited to load photos, share stories with my husband.

I started booking up months in advance. I started a business page on Facebook and was THRILLED when I got 31 likes in a day. It felt like a million.

I hosted my first contest and got over 1000 likes. Those led to more bookings. Thanks Facebook.

I posted sneak peeks almost daily, more likes, more comments.

I reached 2000.

I was booking weddings. I had 3 lined up for the Summer.

I had a few companies reach out to me,  to be in wedding shows. However I didn't have a website so I wasn't creditable.

Second lesson. Get your stuff together if you're serious about starting your own business.

Other photographers started reaching out, we started liking each other's business pages,  giving support. I reached 3000!

I set up a styled shoot, held a giveaway and contacted my favorite venders. Jessica Drossin being my MOST favorite!!

I didn't think she would email me back but she DID!!!!!!  She may have not known it then but her reply gave me the confidence to keep going.

I bought a new camera. Third Lesson- have GREAT equipment!

I finished my 2nd year of teaching. I went into my 3rd year, it went by fast, I worked 2 full time jobs. My 4th year teaching, same thing but this time my energy was at an all time HIGH! My happiness from photography was transferring into my teaching. I started a dance club, I was smiling all the time, my IA commented that I'm seriously on a high right now, my classroom is literally filled with rainbows. She pointed out a HUGE rainbow I had the kids make, and rainbows that were hanging from the ceiling, and all the fruit and veggies lined on the table for the snacks.  My life was FULL of color.

I was fulling living and it was showing in all areas of my life.

I realized that year I could do Photography full time. I had gotten home from having 4 shoots over the weekend and made more in that weekend than I did 2 weeks teaching. The checks were sitting on my key table by the door. I kept staring at them, adding them up. I deducted the taxes I would owe and I still made enough to pay bills.

I looked over at Chris and explained to him what I noticed. He complimented me, "Great job, babe!"

I replied, "I think I can quit teaching."

He looked at me kind of shocked, did the math in his head and then said, "Yeah I think you can. It's up to you, just let me know what you want to do."

Then I told him what I had prayed about a couple years prior. What I really want, is more family time, I want to go to Kenz's first day of school, all her sports games, practices, ballet, eat breakfast together without being stressed, have her know I'm always available.

"I should do one more year and make it the best ever!" I replied, "Whatever you want to do babe, I trust you."  He replied.

Okay that was it.

Because of photography we could afford to buy a new car and move.  We bought a house with a yard close to our family.

Most important I spend MOST of my time with my family!!


Mykenzie with her brother Cash and cousins, Emmie & Bailey playing on our property!

Our chickens Lucky and Dusty eating radishes from our garden!

I was really sad to leave Seattle and my school! It was an amazing school and still is.  I had built strong connections with families and other teachers. However I wanted that connection with my own family.  I still miss the families, teachers and students!

I spent the entire Summer with Kenz and only worked on the weekends. School started and I played a different role this time, Mom, not teacher!!  I went to her first day of school and cried about 10 times! I was so excited to drop her off, linger around, and take a million pictures!

I went home, did some editing, blog posts, booked a few shoots, updated my website, cleaned the house, prepped dinner, and eagerly waited to pick her up!!

When Chris and I jumped in the car to pick her up, we couldn't stop smiling. This was our life now!


I gave her the biggest hug ever, we talked the entire way home, went through her new school packet, played Catan, ate dinner, she helped pack her lunch for the next day, we laid around talking and laughing. It was a freaking dream. I WAS FULLY ENJOYING MY DAUGHTER'S TIME! With no where to be or nothing to worry about,  it was perfect. It took 3 years to get to this place but all the hard work was worth it!

This became our regular, we were all spending so much time together, it felt weird when we weren't together. I coached Cross Country and Track, I went to all of her school activities, her grades were getting better and better because we had time to work on her homework together and figure out where she needed help. She got first place in Cross Country in her grade level because I had time to work with her, she started Gymnastics because we had time to commit to it. I was seeing more growth in my daughter than I had in years, our time together was invaluable and priceless. I prayed for other families and that they also would get this opportunity.

The next school year I had the option to go back to my classroom but if I chose to take another year off I would lose my classroom but still have the option of teaching in Seattle Schools. I was still unsure of what to do, the growth in my daughter made me want to take another year off,  but could we afford it.

We did the math, our budget was tight, really tight but we could do it. We just needed to make financially smart choices!

Thank you to all of you that support Raney Day and keep coming back. Your loyalty and support is what made my dream come true. My family will forever and always know what being a family is supposed to feel like because of you.


Thank you!

If you're ever questioning if you can accomplish your dreams, you can. However, don't be scared of the hard work, time, and dedication. It will pay off and NO IT WON'T HAPPEN OVER NIGHT. If you have a focus and know what you're working towards it will happen. I never expected anyone to help me, bail me out in hard times,  or hand me anything. I knew the benefits of starting at the bottom and working my way up on my own. It was a slow process but I was always gaining ground. I'm still gaining ground and working towards new goals. Some of these goals probably won't happen for 5-10 years but I'm still chipping away at them.

If you ever need support and a little push to follow your dreams, message me! I'll be your biggest supporter and number 1 fan!

Stay beautiful!


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Danielle & Cody's Surprise Gender Reveal at Discovery Park

Nerves are shaking, we all are anxious. The shiny golden strings dangle in the wind. Cody & Danielle stare at the black box hanging from a large old oak tree, waiting just waiting. The sun shines brightly over the glimmering dark blue waters of Puget Sound, the breeze is crisp and perfect. In the box are the contents that will determine pink or blue blankies, dresses or suits, Superman or Disney Princess halloween costumes.

Boy or girl, boy or girl BOY OR GIRL!!!

We have no idea!

Cody is jumping around, "I'll be okay no matter what it is, as long as it's a boy!"

Danielle chimes in, "Orrr girl, but yeah we want a boy!!"

It's time.

They both place their hands on the gold string and smile at one another.

Seconds feel like an eternity, as the box breaks open. The wind takes the blue confetti as it's own and arms are flying up.

It's a BOY!! Danielle and Cody, hug, play, laugh, emotions are on high!

The sun is beginning to set and their smiles take over the night. They can't take their hands off one another as they both laugh in antipication for what the future holds.


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Happy Father's Day

I am honored that a Raney Day image was featured as an Honorable Mention in the Colorvale Dad Theme contest. I can't lie I am the worst about submitting photos to publications, I love the way Colorvale just asks you to post an image on their Facebook page for members to vote on. Either you win or you don't. Then just wait until the next week and if you feel like entering again, go ahead! I received this beautiful badge of honor that made me feel pretty darn good today! Thank you Colorvale!


This photo was actually taken a few years ago with a now good friend and fellow photographer Piper Moore and her family. Like me she rarely does family photos of her family because it's kind of scary to hire another photographer to do your job! I love the way Piper put it, I just needed to spoil myself!

It was a chance moment when Piper suggested getting a picture of all the men, I followed her idea with what about oldest to youngest, then that had family members chiming in about wisest to youngest and cutest to ugliest. They thought they were all pretty funny,  but I can't lie I think all the men in this family are handsome! They were also full of love and life, there was lots of laughter and I never felt like hired help but just as a friend hanging out.


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First Look Vs. Tradition- Waiting until the Ceremony, to see one another

The most common question I get from couples planning their Wedding Photography Timeline is about the First Look vs. Tradition:   
If you're not familiar with a First Look, it's a newer tradition that many couples are doing. Instead of waiting to see one another at the ceremony, they pick a special location to see one another before the ceremony, to ensure lots of time for photographs.
Not only have brides worried about this decision,  but I have seen legitimate concern on the groom's face about this topic as well. The fear of letting family down if you break tradition and/or the worry if you don't do a First Look photos won't get done.  I'm sure for brides and grooms it's stressful to hear everyone's opinion about it too! 
 Here is a quick break down about pro's and con's of both and how to use your Photography time productivity. 
Remember while you read this, to keep in mind what's important to you and your significant other.
Pro's of Tradition: 
1. The after ceremony glow you have of just marrying your soul mate, best friend and other half. 
2. You don't have to be ready hours before your ceremony. 
3. You're keeping with tradition and the groom's look is always priceless. 
4. All the people that you invited to be a part of your special day, get to see the look on your faces when you first see one another. 
5. The general feeling of pictures is much more intimate. The ceremony is done, most stresses are gone. 
Con's of Tradition: 
1. You will need to get pulled from your reception to finish up family, wedding party and bridal pictures. 
2. Family or friends might not be ready, causing delays in being at your reception to enjoy your guests. 
3. If it's a late ceremony, your pictures will need off camera flash, natural light might not be an option anymore. 
4. Break down of the ceremony site, means you won't get fun pictures by the set up. 
How to prepare for Tradition:
Are you a romantic and prefer all the emotions of a wedding. Is tradition VERY important to you?  Do you want a small break after the ceremony to snuggle up with your new spouse before everyone wants to say hi?!  Then think about following with Tradition, here are 4 tips on how to prepare.
(1) The best way to have a successful traditional first look is to plan. Sit with your Photographer and discuss a neutral location where you want photos, make sure to have a back up location as well. Your Photographer needs to visit the location. 
(2) It's very important that you communicate the location of photos with your families and wedding party. Photos should happen promptly after the ceremony, to ensure you get more time at your reception. One way to create a time out in your photographs, is to have a cocktail hour or a slide show. 
(3) Communicate with your DJ or Master of Ceremony to announce that pictures are immediately following the ceremony. Remember this does not take place of you communicating this with your families and wedding party. After the ceremony everyone should head to the agreed upon location.
(4) I recommend starting with family photos incase there are any elders or small children that need to get back inside. Wedding party pictures should follow, then a bridal session with you and your spouse. If all poses, locations and wants are communicated with your Photographer this should take no more than an hour. Time truly depends on wedding party and family size.  
*It's possible that just groom, bridesmaids and some family photos can get done before the ceremony if a location for pictures is discussed, to ensure that the bride and groom don't see one another. 


                  Here are a few images of brides and grooms that waited until the ceremony to see one another.  
 Now that you can think a little about the pro's and con's of Tradition, let's compare it to the pro's and con's of a First Look. 
Pro's of a First Look: 
1. The first time you see one another is now only about the two of you. 
2. The spot you chose to see one another at for the first time,  can forever be a memory between the two of you. 
3. There is much more time for pictures.
4. Less chance of being pulled during the reception for pictures. 
5. You get to enjoy your reception longer. 
Con's of a First Look: 
1. Bride and Grooms don't have the after the ceremony glow. (It will happen!! Just after the ceremony)
2. You need to be ready hours before the ceremony and make sure family and the wedding party are also prepared to be there hours early. Details for the wedding might also not be done, meaning detail shots can't be done.  Flowers may not be ready as well. 
3. Stresses arise about things not getting done in time for the ceremony, causing stressful looks on the bride and groom's faces in photos. 
4. You're not sharing the first time you see one another with your guests. 
How to prepare for a First Look:
Are you an organizer and enjoy checking things off your list sooner than later? Do you want all of your reception time and to start the party right away!?  Then think about doing a First Look. 
If you want to do a First Look here are a few tips on how to prepare. 
(1) Before the wedding, find a really special place at your venue or close by that you want to do your First Look at. This location will mean a lot to the both of you later on. Make sure your Photographer visits the location.  If you don't want to be bothered by others make sure it's a very intimate spot.
(1) Give you and your significant other at least 30 mins to an hour for pictures of just the two of you. Your Photographer and you should create a timeline together to ensure everything will go smoothly. This should include desired poses,  desired location, back up location and discussion on where you want to go to take more photos. 
(2) Use the rest of the time for family and wedding party photos. It's extremely important that you communicate with your family and wedding party what time and where photos will be. Giving your Photographer at least 3 hours before the ceremony will ensure all photos get done and leave down time for you and your significant other to relax.  Getting your pictures done before the ceremony will ensure that there is no dancing, mingling or eating time wasted. 
Here are a few images of brides and grooms that did a First Look. 
The last picture I wanted to show because Danielle did a First Look prior to the ceremony. Her reaction coming down the aisle was just as emotional. This isn't always the case, that's why I can't say it enough. What's best for you?!
For me I have two sides to think about. Myself when I was a bride and myself as a Photographer. Here are my opinions based on my own experiences as both.
 As a bride I LOVED my First Look because the tree where we saw each other first at is Our Tree. No one else's. However I LOVE my family and my new family, I wish they could have been a part of it now. For me personally I would probably follow with Tradition now or do a first look with all my family there.
As a Photographer I am still impartial to both. I want to get the most romantic, lovely and sweet pictures of the both of you. If doing a First Look is going to create that or following Tradition will,  I say do what's BEST FOR YOU. 
I hope that you can use this post to help you make the most informed decision about your Wedding Photography Timeline. Please don't hesitate to post questions or concerns below, I would love to answer them to the best of my knowledge. 
Stay Beautiful-
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Raney Day Photography Wedding Day Giveaway


Like Raney Day Photography on Facebook to enter the giveaway.

Please follow each step to qualify to be in the giveaway.

1.Email me (Jessica) at raneydayphotography@yahoo.com with a picture of you and your significant other,  with a detailed description of your love story. I will post it to the Raney Day Facebook page to get voted on.

2. Bring in the votes!!! First have your friends & family like Raney Day on Facebook, then like your picture. Promote your story and tell all your friends to vote for your picture!

 3. For a few bonus votes on your picture from my husband, my dad, my sister, my mother in law, and my Grandma, vote for Raney Day Photography for Best of Western Wa. They have agreed to like your picture when they see that you commented below with your name!


*The love story with the most votes will be declared the winner on my birthday, October 9th at 7am!

*The prize is a full day of wedding photography worth $3500! You will get a disc of 200 edited wedding images, and all your raw images.  Copyrights over your images and a free visit with me,  to your venue to map out your perfect wedding day!

*Engagements are not included.

Stay Beautiful!

~Jessica Raney

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~Dear 2014 Brides,

Wedding prices for next year are up! 

I can't believe how on top of this I am! Go Jessica
or my super organized, everything color coded,
labeled, and ordered chronologically alter ego
Roxanne might have done this!
Click pricing in tabs and scroll down! 
If you're currently interviewing photographers,
please email me at raneydayphotography@yahoo.com to set up a consultation. 
I would love to meet you!
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Dry Spells….

Hi Jessica,I was wondering if you can help me with something. I have been shooting now for a year,  and I am starting to feel I am losing my creativity. I can't think of anything new and different, to do on shoots. I try not to use Pinterest all the time, and ideas that other photographers have used. Do you have an advice?Thanks,No Creative Juices!Dear Creative Juices,Dry spells!!!! We all have them and remember it will only make your creativity stronger, while you get through this.First of all it's completely okay to use Pinterest and spin an idea to make it your own. You don't necessarily need to copy exactly what another photographer already did. However if the idea is something you would totally do, or something you had in mind already,  then go for it and make it your own. A great example are the gender reveal sessions. I see photographers do similar themes, but with different locations, colors, props, etc.I also can't stress enough,  ask your clients what they want. This will center your creativity. If a client says they want something woodsy and green, you can narrow down your ideas. For example, for a woodsy theme you can use pinecones, branches, and other elements to create a fun shoot. If a client wants you to take the reigns and create the shoot, then narrow down a theme and build off that.The most important thing is to make sure your clients are happy! If they are, then you're doing your job!!I hope this helps and happy shooting!!Stay Beautiful!Jessica 

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How do other mother's get anything done? Tell me your secret!!

I spend about two nights a week focusing on editing images and getting CD's finished for clients. Those nights are usually interrupped with Mykenzie wanting to show me one her miraculous shows as a dancer, a teacher, a dog or a cat, and my favorite her sassy character, Samantha. One night was a little more interesting than the others.

I put on Shakira, made some tea, cleaned off my desk and rubbed my hands together and got to work! Naturally, Mykenzie started one of her shows. She found a witch hat in the fall decor bin and decided to be a witch. I was to call her Witch, not Mykenzie. Witch had a very demanding personality. She informed me witch's love peanut butter and crackers, so I got up and made her some, knowing that if I didn't she would tell me 100,000,000 more times that "WITCH'S LOVE CRACKERS AND PEANUT BUTTER!". I sat back down attempting to edit when she informed me witches love to dance, so I stopped and watched the Witch dance.

I got back to work when Witch informed me witches love red lipstick and I needed to pick one of the colors she had. I picked the least red and got back to work. The Witch came back, again, and needed me to "okay" her lipstick. As I looked the Witch up and down I approved the very sheer light red shade of lipstick the Witch had put on. Then as my eyes skimmed towards Witch's hat I saw it. TWO LITTLE SKINNY BANGS sticking out of her witch hat! If you know Mykenzie her hair is long and there are NO BANGS!

We took a year to grow them out!! I even went through the awkward bang stage, when they are too short and too long.  I am all about a good bang hair cut but this was horrific as a lover of bangs! The Witch saw the look on my face and knew she was in trouble.

As she sat on her bed in time-out, I walked in and asked her to tell me the truth. I am proud of Witch for telling me the truth but that was all I was proud of! The Witch informed me, she was mad because her father and I had asked her to clean her room yesterday so she cut them. To hide it she put on a head band and barrets. Since Witch wears 2 headbands, and a minimum of 6 barrettes daily, it didn't seem odd to me.

I was mortified as a parent and started questioning all my parenting skills, maybe I shouldn't ask her to clean her room...cleaning your room leads to hair cuts, then smoking, then boys!  I couldn't control my thoughts! This is partially because we haven't had a horrific accident with Mykenzie yet so it was quite a shock to me and my position on having a good set of bangs if you choose to have bangs.

Her punshiment was to finish her room and an excuse for me to get back to work and ponder the effects on kids and cleaning their rooms. I continued to question myself as I sat with my tea and at this point Shakira was annoying me with her hips not lying, I turned off the music and sat there. I starting thinking...I am kind of brutal with her..."Kenz someone is going to break their neck clean this up, Kenz seriously clean your room, Kenz KENZ KENZ!!!

Well turns out the old saying "You're going to break your neck," is true....Mykenzie didn't break her neck but she proceeded  to trip over her toys and her front tooth came out! I got up again as I heard the screams, oh great I thought here is that horrific accident I was just bragging about that never happen to me!

There was a good amount of blood but she was alright! I gave her an ice pack and realized this is ridculous she needs to clean her room I am Mama Bear! She attempted to snuggle me with those two bangs, red lipstick, and toothless mouth. I almost gave in but eventually stood my ground. "You get your toothless mouth and those bangs and that ice pack back to your room and you finish cleaning it! Witch ran off screaming that I didn't love her anymore and I finally got some work done!

The same week I met Emma, she is 3 and also loves to play dress up! We had a tea party, and I heard she can't wait to do it again! She also had great bangs!


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