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How do other mother's get anything done? Tell me your secret!!

I spend about two nights a week focusing on editing images and getting CD's finished for clients. Those nights are usually interrupped with Mykenzie wanting to show me one her miraculous shows as a dancer, a teacher, a dog or a cat, and my favorite her sassy character, Samantha. One night was a little more interesting than the others.

I put on Shakira, made some tea, cleaned off my desk and rubbed my hands together and got to work! Naturally, Mykenzie started one of her shows. She found a witch hat in the fall decor bin and decided to be a witch. I was to call her Witch, not Mykenzie. Witch had a very demanding personality. She informed me witch's love peanut butter and crackers, so I got up and made her some, knowing that if I didn't she would tell me 100,000,000 more times that "WITCH'S LOVE CRACKERS AND PEANUT BUTTER!". I sat back down attempting to edit when she informed me witches love to dance, so I stopped and watched the Witch dance.

I got back to work when Witch informed me witches love red lipstick and I needed to pick one of the colors she had. I picked the least red and got back to work. The Witch came back, again, and needed me to "okay" her lipstick. As I looked the Witch up and down I approved the very sheer light red shade of lipstick the Witch had put on. Then as my eyes skimmed towards Witch's hat I saw it. TWO LITTLE SKINNY BANGS sticking out of her witch hat! If you know Mykenzie her hair is long and there are NO BANGS!

We took a year to grow them out!! I even went through the awkward bang stage, when they are too short and too long.  I am all about a good bang hair cut but this was horrific as a lover of bangs! The Witch saw the look on my face and knew she was in trouble.

As she sat on her bed in time-out, I walked in and asked her to tell me the truth. I am proud of Witch for telling me the truth but that was all I was proud of! The Witch informed me, she was mad because her father and I had asked her to clean her room yesterday so she cut them. To hide it she put on a head band and barrets. Since Witch wears 2 headbands, and a minimum of 6 barrettes daily, it didn't seem odd to me.

I was mortified as a parent and started questioning all my parenting skills, maybe I shouldn't ask her to clean her room...cleaning your room leads to hair cuts, then smoking, then boys!  I couldn't control my thoughts! This is partially because we haven't had a horrific accident with Mykenzie yet so it was quite a shock to me and my position on having a good set of bangs if you choose to have bangs.

Her punshiment was to finish her room and an excuse for me to get back to work and ponder the effects on kids and cleaning their rooms. I continued to question myself as I sat with my tea and at this point Shakira was annoying me with her hips not lying, I turned off the music and sat there. I starting thinking...I am kind of brutal with her..."Kenz someone is going to break their neck clean this up, Kenz seriously clean your room, Kenz KENZ KENZ!!!

Well turns out the old saying "You're going to break your neck," is true....Mykenzie didn't break her neck but she proceeded  to trip over her toys and her front tooth came out! I got up again as I heard the screams, oh great I thought here is that horrific accident I was just bragging about that never happen to me!

There was a good amount of blood but she was alright! I gave her an ice pack and realized this is ridculous she needs to clean her room I am Mama Bear! She attempted to snuggle me with those two bangs, red lipstick, and toothless mouth. I almost gave in but eventually stood my ground. "You get your toothless mouth and those bangs and that ice pack back to your room and you finish cleaning it! Witch ran off screaming that I didn't love her anymore and I finally got some work done!

The same week I met Emma, she is 3 and also loves to play dress up! We had a tea party, and I heard she can't wait to do it again! She also had great bangs!


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The night I wanted to get my PhD and be called Dr. Jessica

When I am faced with a challenge, I take it head-on. There is no stopping me when I have my mindset on something. The one person that has to deal with the implications of my exceptional and amazing ideas, is my husband.

When I am faced with a challenge, I take it head on. There is no stopping me when I have my mind set on something. The one person that has to deal with the implications of my exceptional and amazing ideas, is my husband. When I believed that we needed to compost, he built me a compost bin and I proceeded to not understand how to use it. When I decided that Kindergarteners needed more sugar and we should have Popsicle Friday's, he was the one organizing the popsicles by color in coolers. When I decided that my school needed a hip hop dance team and that I woud be the core instructor because I can work it, reverse it, put my game down flip it, and reverse it ra ta ta ta ta....he was there to help me with kid appropriate songs and dance moves.

The list goes on of Jessica's amazing wonderful ideas and the one person that never turns me down is my husband, until one night.

"I think I am going to get my PhD."

"What Jessica!! Why!? There is no PhD in Photography and you already have your Masters in Teaching. This doesn’t make sense to me."

"So everyone can call me Dr. Jessica."

"Jessica I will call you Dr. Jessica if that is what you want."

"Well it would also be cool to tell people (I get a sophisticated voice) that  "I am currently working on my PhD in Astro Physics."

"Jessica that makes no sense, you don't have a Master's of Science."

"Maybe there’s an Art History degree."

"To use for what Jessica?"

"My photography. I think my clients would like to call me Dr. Jessica and to know that I am highly educated in the arts, while I take pictures for their Christmas cards."

"Jessica, I will buy you a book on art history!!"

“Why are you getting so mad about this?"

"Because Jessica, we don't have time for you to get your PhD.”

"You keep forgetting to say Dr. Jessica, you said you would call me that."

"Dr. Jessica please do not get your PhD."

"Why are so upset, you never get upset at my ideas."

"Because you go through with them! I am truly scared you will come home one day with books and supplies, and say that you're signed up at Harvard or something , and we can't move, we have no money! Jessica when you..."

"Dr. Jessica."

"Dr. Jessica you always go through with your crazy ideas.”

"Okay, okay I won't get my PhD, I don’t like homework anyways but you know it would be cool to be a trophy husband for a very sophistied wife." {Mr. Raney finally laughs}

"Oh I love you Dr. Jessica."

"I love you too Mr. Dr. Jessica Raney."

Since I am not getting my PhD anytime soon {I am not ruling it out. Dr. Jessica just has too much of a nice ring to it. } I will take photos of high school and college graduates and tell them my story of how I almost got my PhD and how I plan to have senior pictures done of myself when I graduate. I don't care how old I am!

Here is beautiful Rachel, a senior who graduated from University of Washington with her Bachelor degree in Psychology! Girls, we run the world!



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I have a minor personality flaw and I love hot pink blush

I am definitly a "I do what I want" type of girl. Here is an example to help you imagine this personality trait of mine

In high school I was doing my sister Heidi's make up. She has the type of face that doesn't need blush to bring out her cheek bones, unlike me I love a good amount of grandma hot pink blush. Anyways my sister specifically asked me not to put that damn hot pink blush on her, but I was a risk taker, a dare devil if you will, and believed that she should be too. I figured I could just help her get there by putting blush on her anyways. Long story short she was right, it didn't look right on her, rather a scary version of the joker, she proceeded to yell at me while running to the bathroom to wash it off,  that I never listen!


I really don't know what she was talking about, I always listen, I just don't always do as I am told! Two different things!!



2014-04-14_0060.jpgMy point to this post is sometimes you have to take risks and do what you need to do, despite what others say. I did what I wanted despite what others said, and unlike the blush incident, sometimes things come out with some okay results! What's important is that you try, I guess not against people's will like my sister's, but I have grown since then and try to now channel that instinct into my images, and not forcibly like putting hot pink blush on someone!

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You might be a redneck if...

For her birthday, my mother in law, Mama Ella asked me to shoot family portraits of all of us in our awesome matching Wisconsin shirts. I CALLED TEAL!!!!  I asked her if we should hire a photographer, she insisted she wanted me to do it and set up the timer, while I run back and forth! My first thought was Jeff Foxworthy and you might be a redneck if this is how you attempt professional family portraits.

This was going to be interesting.

 I reminded her I am running a business and if I have to deal with difficult children, such as my husband and brother in law, I need to be paid by the minute. She gave me a look that said..."Jessica Lynn, I was with you every step of the way, while you planned your wedding, I baby sit your daughter every time you ask and even when you just drop her off at my door step, and I bought you diamonds on Kenz's adoption day."

FINE! I guess I will do them for free this time,  from now on I'm requesting diamonds every year for Christmas.

The boys were surprisingly well behaved.  I realized that Kelsey, my sister in law and I might have behaved worse. Which is weird,  because we are angels.

Instead of a cute smiley pictures there are images of Kelsey and I laughing  so hard you could see our ubelas,  sharing goofy stares at one another, and making eye contact in our secret language. The chaos didn't stop there,  Kelsey climbed up a tree and got stuck, and certain under garmets stuck out a little too much. I realized in these moments that we are basically girl versions of Ella's sons! I truly believe Kelsey and I are the daughters Ella never had and ALWAYS wanted. Even if she won't admit that, I know it's true!

The shots are hilarious, off centered, not focused, and caused lots of laugher as I ran as fast as I could to get into the shot before the timer went off. I discovered 10 years after highschool Track, I still got it!

With excitement, Ella said the experience was simply perfect, and what she wanted for her birthday!

Nailed it!

One point for daughter in law Jessica, and the potential for more diamonds in my future! Muhaha.

Attempt #1 (Test shot)

Attempt #2 (Trying to get everyone together)

Attempt #3 (Trying to get the everyone is smiling family photo)

Attempt#4 (Detail shots)

Attempt #5 (Move it to a new location)

Attempt #6 (Following instructions)

Attempt #7 (Posing)

 Some where in all our attempts we managed to snag a few winners that are Christmas card worthy!


After everyone left and I told Ella that for her birthday I wanted to take some real shots of just her. She was nervous at first, when I showed her how beautiful she looked during the test shot, she smiled and got with the program!

Now that's how it's done in Amurica!


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Business advice from a not so savvy business woman...

Like most photographers I get asked questions on editing, what program I use, lens, etc. However I noticed I never get asked how I run my business! I think that's because people know I am not  a savvy business woman!! I would like to think of myself as the New York woman with her pants suit, iPad resting in one hand and coffee in other as she talks on her ear piece, and her hair blows perfectly in the wind, as people part like the sea as she walks down the sidewalk........sorry I am still daydreaming about this version of Jessica. This alter ego needs a different name.....Roxanne!!!Back to my story!I got this message from this girl Sarah in California asking how I run my business.... {I love how she tries to butter me up first, then breaks the news!!}Jessica! I have been a fan since you put up for Facebook page for Raney Day Photography! I love your work and your personality even more! You're so funny! I have watched as your business has slowly made a name for it's self. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but as a business owner I am curious about your secret! I have noticed that you're always so inexpensive compared to your competition, you just got a logo and I can't find your website!! How are you so busy without even advertising or having these things? I stressed so much about having these things right away, but I don't do near as many sessions as you do! What are you doing!!??-Sarah Dear Sarah and anyone else that is curious...{Roxanne would like to clarify these are purely 'Jessica's business techniques' and in NO way hers!}For about a year now people have been telling me I need to come up with a logo, I need to raise my prices, I need a website, on a business level they are absolutely right.  So don't think I haven't been lectured about this because I have!! These things among others are vital in a growing business. However it's important to put some thought into things because in order to be different in this business you need to be you, not a second rate version of someone else.My feeling on the matter is if you develop something that is TRULY yours and no one else's, you will be amazing! Literally the only secret is to be YOU!Here is the story behind by logo, prices and website!Logo:Your business logo is important because it represents you. When you see the creepy red eye, you think Target, when you see a cursive D and princesses with disproportionate body parts you think Disney. You get what I am saying.My logo took me a year to create. A YEAR. I looked at a lot of web designers, and other logos but nothing was me. So I waited. I knew what I wanted but I needed the right person to create my vision.I won a huge giveaway on Facebook and one of the prizes was $25.00 to Beauty Divine Designs. I hung on to the gift card for almost 4 months before I contacted Laurie while I continued to drum up my logo in my head.One day it hit me...a umbrella, lacy and vintage because that is my photography style. Turquoise because that was our wedding color, and 3 rain drops to represent my husband, my daughter and myself. When we have another child we will add another rain drop!I sent my thoughts to Laurie and this is what she came up with. Perfect fit for Raney Day Photography and it was well worth the wait!

Prices:I have constantly by countless people been told I need to raise my prices. NEED TOO. Clients tell me, mentors, my assistant,  friends..and if my cat Pumpkin could talk I think he would tell me too.I am not only a photographer I am a kindergarten teacher too. It's no secret teachers don't make much but I make enough to cover our bills with some left over! We are truly blessed. I never went into this business to make lots of money. EVER. I just loved photographing memories for people. I make enough being a teacher that we don't need extra cash. It's never bothered me that I don't charge a normal rate and I hand out free sessions like they're Halloween candy. When I do get burnt out which is about every 10 sessions I think about what feels right and I raise my prices just a little. I am sure when I go into Raney Day full time this will certainly and has to change but for now it works for me.For every photographer pricing is different this is my price guide for now.Website:My website is a lot like my logo. I knew what I wanted but I wasn't sure how to say it. This has been the most difficult part of running a business, I hated that people couldn't look at a website of my work, one time I felt so guilty for not having a website I just about let someone believe that another photographer named "Jessica Raney" from Texas was me because that is the website the person saw and thought was my work! Obviously I am not from Texas and I did not want bad business karma so I put my head down and told the truth. "I don't have website."I needed a website but it needed to be just right and not just something thrown together. It needs meaning, thought, and to be Raney Day. It's hard to make a website when you're still trying to figure out your brand and what you're selling. As I put all the pieces together little ideas here and there started to develop for my website. Much like my logo it just hit me one day. It's all come together now and it works for me.   

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Back when I knew everything.

Remember being 17 and knowing everything? The world was black and white, there were no grey areas and if only your parents could also figure that out too, the world would be a much easier place to live in and you would not have to constantly argue your very valid points!!


Now that I am 27 and don't know a gosh darn thing, the world seemed pretty simple back then! I wasn't aware that I would get wrinkles within the next 10 years, minimum wage wasn't so bad, it bought me all the Roxy crap I wanted from Zumiez, and paid for my 1984 Honda Accord where I jammed daily to Shakira on repeat, and staying up until 4am and getting up at 6am was real easy!

Since I specialize in couples, weddings, and engagements I don't shoot a lot of senior portraits. I am starting to realize I wouldn't mind also specializing in senior portraits, for selfish reasons of course!


They're so fresh, fierce, innocent, wrinkle free and stress free! I love it! Makes me feel young again like I could skip around in my Roxy swim suit and live off minimum wage while shakin it to Shakira, so yes I might be being selfish when I do senior portraits now but I am not about to get botox and surgically lift anything so this will have to do until that botox piggy bank is full, which might also never happen because the tooth fairy keeps using that money!

Here is a very perfect teenager, that seemed to be nothing like I was! She is sweet, humble, gracious, and completely adorable!


Class of 2012

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