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Aleya & Jordan Maternity Session at Snoqualmie Pass

What a beautiful way to spend the weekend. Snoqualmie was magical and the snow was falling hard. You can't tell by the pictures but we had a lot of teamwork put into this!

What a beautiful way to spend the weekend. Snoqualmie was magical and the snow was falling hard. You can't tell by the pictures but we had a lot of teamwork put into this! 2 umbrellas, jackets, camera covers and running back and forth to the car to continue with our plan! It was so much fun and together we created a beautiful snowy story through pictures!

Congratulations to the parents to be Aleya & Jordan!2017-01-30_0001.jpg2017-01-30_0002.jpg2017-01-30_0003.jpg2017-01-30_0004.jpg2017-01-30_0005.jpg2017-01-30_0006.jpg2017-01-30_0007.jpg2017-01-30_0008.jpg2017-01-30_0009.jpg2017-01-30_0024.jpg2017-01-30_0025.jpg2017-01-30_0012.jpg2017-01-30_0011.jpg2017-01-30_0010.jpg2017-01-30_0028.jpg2017-01-30_0014.jpg2017-01-30_0013.jpg2017-01-30_0027.jpg2017-01-30_0026.jpg2017-01-30_0022.jpg2017-01-30_0021.jpg2017-01-30_0020.jpg2017-01-30_0018.jpg2017-01-30_0017.jpg2017-01-30_0016.jpg2017-01-30_0015.jpg2017-01-30_0029.jpg2017-01-30_0030.jpg2017-01-30_0031.jpg2017-01-30_0032.jpg2017-01-30_0033.jpg2017-01-30_0023.jpg

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Danielle & Cody's Surprise Gender Reveal at Discovery Park

Nerves are shaking, we all are anxious. The shiny golden strings dangle in the wind. Cody & Danielle stare at the black box hanging from a large old oak tree, waiting just waiting. The sun shines brightly over the glimmering dark blue waters of Puget Sound, the breeze is crisp and perfect. In the box are the contents that will determine pink or blue blankies, dresses or suits, Superman or Disney Princess halloween costumes.

Boy or girl, boy or girl BOY OR GIRL!!!

We have no idea!

Cody is jumping around, "I'll be okay no matter what it is, as long as it's a boy!"

Danielle chimes in, "Orrr girl, but yeah we want a boy!!"

It's time.

They both place their hands on the gold string and smile at one another.

Seconds feel like an eternity, as the box breaks open. The wind takes the blue confetti as it's own and arms are flying up.

It's a BOY!! Danielle and Cody, hug, play, laugh, emotions are on high!

The sun is beginning to set and their smiles take over the night. They can't take their hands off one another as they both laugh in antipication for what the future holds.


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Burk Family Maternity Session on Fox Island

One word to describe what it feels like to meet a couple and watch their love story play out. Magical. First you're behind the camera capturing their innocence as a newly engaged couple and the emotional day of their wedding is soon to follow.

One word to describe what it feels like to meet a couple and watch their love story play out. Magical. First you're behind the camera capturing their innocence as a newly engaged couple and the emotional day of their wedding is soon to follow. You hear through the grape vine they have begun to create a home and life glides forward. Then you get the call it's time to get behind the camera again and capture the new chapter in their love story. His name is Lincoln.


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Shari & Harry Maternity Shoot at the Botanical Gardens in Bellevue

Seriously! How do I end up with the most amazing, fun, adorable and creative clients?! I am so grateful to have met Shari & Harry!  We talked over the phone about some ideas on what she had in mind for her shoot. Pinterest gave her a lot of inspiration, but she wanted to make it her own. Since she wore a crown on her wedding day, having a crown over her belly for her little princess was a must.

When I met her at the Botanical Gardens I couldn't believe how drop dead gorgous she was! She had been telling me how she didn't feel like herself and being a former dancer her body changes were tough on her. Well in my opinion pregnancy agrees with her!


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Now a Family of 4, Maternity/Family Session at Discovery Park Seattle, Wa

Jack, Rylee, and Kirsten are the such an adorable family! The 4th addition is just around the corner and I have enjoyed texting with Kirsten about her current cravings of juice and ice-cream! Kirsten and I soon started following one another on Instagram. After stalking her Instagram, she had me cracking up at some of her posts about the day in a life of a pregnant woman.  It wasn't long until she posted an image from our shoot with the comment, "I can't stop looking at these!" It melted my heart and reminded me why I LOVE my job!!

Rylee was such a great kiddo during our shoot, and even with the weather starting at 30 degrees and went down from there everyone did a FANTASTIC  job. Check out our adventure below!2014-03-21_0002.jpg2014-03-21_0003.jpg2014-03-21_0004.jpg2014-03-21_0005.jpg2014-03-21_0006.jpg2014-03-21_0007.jpg2014-03-21_0008.jpg2014-03-21_0009.jpg2014-03-21_0010.jpg2014-03-21_0011.jpg2014-03-21_0012.jpg2014-03-21_0018.jpg2014-03-21_0017.jpg2014-03-21_0016.jpg2014-03-21_0015.jpg2014-03-21_0014.jpg2014-03-21_0013.jpg2014-03-21_0019.jpg2014-03-21_0020.jpg2014-03-21_0021.jpg2014-03-21_0022.jpg

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About to Pop! Maternity Session with Kristen & Scott at Edmonds, Wa beach

I am a firm believer that having your pets in family photos is a MUST! You should see my family photo that includes my chickens, that's how much of a believer I am! Kristen and Scott told me about Emma their cockapoo before I met her. She stole my heart with her involvement in almost every image. She sat when we needed her to sit, and was cute when we didn't even ask, she was the perfect sibling for this maternity shoot!

Check out this adorable little family!


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Botanical Garden Maternity Shoot

All good things take time right? Or is that just wine?

Well it's been almost a year since I shot this Botanical Garden Maternity shoot in Bellevue, Wa with one of my LOVELY clients Brea! Hudson has since been born, Brea can drink wine again, they are now a family of four, and Hudson is already almost a year old. Yikes, I am late on this!

 Enlight of his upcoming 1st  birthday I thought we could all take a trip down memory lane, yes I'm being sentimental. Not because I'm really late on posting these but because I do adore the The Forell Family, Family of Four.

Say that four times fast!!  :)



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