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Nicole + Riley's Winter Wedding at Lord Hill Farms in Snohomish, Wa

It's winter and we're all praying for sunshine. It's been a gray and rainy winter in Washington and we are all used to that. Except this morning February 20th a hint of blue sky was making its appearance like a paint brush briefly swept across the sky with baby blue paint.

It's winter and we're all praying for sunshine. It's been a gray and rainy winter in Washington and we are all used to that. Except this morning February 20th a hint of blue sky was making its appearance like a paint brush briefly swept across the sky with baby blue paint. Everyone could feel the heat of the sunshine through the rooms and we all knew this was a magical day.

The Wedding Day of Nicole & Riley2016-03-31_0001.jpg

Nicole comes from a chinese culture. The dragon symbolizes the male strength, power and protection and the phoenix symbolizes the female and has been know to be a supernatural bird. It's known for it's benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and sincerity.

You can see her culture sprinkled throughout their wedding, in the qi pao (flower girl tops) her bridesmaid's are wearing kimono robes &  the ring bearer outfit and the wedding cake.2016-03-31_0003.jpgAs everyone shares stories of the history of Nicole and Riley it becomes apparent this day is filled with a lot of anticipation and eagerness. They've been together a decade, they have seen the best of times and the worst of times together. You can feel the energy in the room that Nicole has the biggest impact on Riley, more than anyone else in the world.

His sister quotes, "Riley is really shy, the only person he really opens up to it Nicole. My mom always says, I don't know who Riley would talk to if it wasn't for Nicole. We're so grateful for her."

When you think about it, it's actually really beautiful. How often in our lives do we meet or have that one person that makes us melt, time stops, they're perfectly imperfect in every way and in no way can we get enough of them. We always want more.

You can see the pride on Nicole's face. It's true, she does something to him. There's a trust, a natural instinct in which he is drawn to her. Everyone in the room can feel it too because we all feel calm, at peace while we're in Nicole's presence. She's very easy to be around. This must be a glimpse into Riley's world.2016-03-31_0002.jpg2016-03-31_0005.jpg2016-03-31_0006.jpg2016-03-31_0007.jpg


Their first look is calm like they are. There are small laughs and big smiles. They don't seem nervous but rather ready to be married. As their friends join them, the same calmness floats across the sky. There is a trust and great friendship with this group. They're easy to be around and take their roles in Riley & Nicole's celebration seriously while also finding the perfect cometic timing. 2016-03-31_0013.jpg2016-03-31_0014.jpg2016-03-31_0011.jpg2016-03-31_0015.jpg2016-03-31_0018.jpg2016-03-31_0019.jpg2016-03-31_0020.jpg2016-03-31_0022.jpg2016-03-31_0024.jpg2016-03-31_0025.jpg2016-03-31_0026.jpg2016-03-31_0023.jpg2016-03-31_0021.jpg2016-03-31_0027.jpg2016-03-31_0028.jpg2016-03-31_0029.jpg2016-03-31_0030.jpg2016-03-31_0031.jpg2016-03-31_0032.jpg2016-03-31_0033.jpg2016-03-31_0034.jpg2016-03-31_0035.jpg2016-03-31_0036.jpg2016-03-31_0045.jpg2016-03-31_0047.jpg2016-03-31_0037.jpg2016-03-31_0039.jpg2016-03-31_0040.jpg2016-03-31_0046.jpg2016-03-31_0041.jpg2016-03-31_0042.jpg2016-03-31_0043.jpg2016-03-31_0044.jpg2016-03-31_0048.jpg2016-03-31_0049.jpg2016-03-31_0050.jpg2016-03-31_0051.jpg2016-03-31_0052.jpg2016-03-31_0053.jpg2016-03-31_0054.jpg

As the night wrapped up and happy tears turned to smiles & dancing everyone could feel the sense of togetherness these two have brought. Two amazing families flooding the dance floor, smiling and laughing together. This is one celebration for the ages and will always be one to remember.2016-03-31_0055.jpg2016-03-31_0056.jpg2016-03-31_0057.jpg2016-03-31_0058.jpg


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Let me start off by saying growing up I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up. This happens often with artists because we often have many things we love doing!

Let me start off by saying growing up I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up. This happens often with artists because we often have many things we love doing! I wanted to be a dancer, if possible for Mariah Carey, a writer, maybe someone who drew pretty things for holiday cards, a basketball player, a pianist, the list goes on.

People often commented that I was great with children and that I should go into teaching.

 I remember being 18 and driving to my barista job, that I LOVED.  I was thinking, why is there so much pressure to know what you want to do? What if I figure it out,  but not until I'm older? Which is exactly what happen.

Fast forward 6 years later and 100's of lattes later.

I had been teaching for 2 years. It was late, around 11pm and I couldn't sleep. My husband was fast asleep next to me and my brain was going 100 mph. I wasn't happy with where my career was going. I had gotten home that night around 7pm. We had Open House that night. Of course all of us teacher's swore we wouldn't talk late to parents so we could be home at a decent hour to be with our own families but we never follow through. We are all talk, of course we will stay late. We care about our students as if they're our own children.


We all should have been done by 6pm,  but parents have questions so we stay. We smile, we glance at the clock when they're not looking at us, and keep a smile. Anwsering every question. We know they work too and face to face conversations are always more effective. So we stay.  The next parent comes, same questions, same answers, same smiles. Glance at the clock. They thank us repeatedly for our time, I smile and say you're welcome. Okay maybe Open House wasn't so bad.

My daughter's bed time is in an hour and I haven't seen her all day.  Another question, another smile, glance at the clock. I want to go home.


Mykenzie at 3 Years old! Our neighbor Andrea and my college roommate used to watch her for me and gifted me with these adorable pictures!

I ran to my car, literally full out sprint. It's 7:15pm and I live 3.5 miles away. I do the math and figure I can get home by 7:25 if the red light at Market Street isn't heavy with traffic. It's pouring outside and the rain feels great on my head, except my feet are soaked. I blast the heat on my feet and take off. I zoom past Taco Bell resisting the urge to feed my stress with a delicious Crunch Wrap Supreme. I hesitate and almost turn around for that Crunch Wrap but than I remember my daughter.

DANG IT! Fender bender at Market Street, this light is cursed!! I should have stopped at Taco Bell.


Holding Mykenzie when she was just a few months old and I was 18.

I'm home by 7:45pm  and my daughter is in her pajamas, playing with her toys.  She runs up and hugs me, my husband hands me a glass of wine and says dinner is in the fridge. I tell him about Open House, my daughter tells me about her day before she brushes her teeth and I tuck her in.

My husband and I snuggle up on the couch and watch whatever is on channel 4, 5, or 7.  We can't afford cable so we watch whatever is on and mostly talk about our day.  A rerun of Big Bang Theory plays in the background, my husband says we have already seen this one so we decide to move to our nightly routine.

Our routine is one of my favorite times of the day.


I had been working on my Master's Program after teaching all day. Yes, that's a cat taking advantage of my tired state.

We grunt and helped each other up and head to the kitchen. It's time to prep for tomorrow. Taylor Swift's album, Fearless has become our cleaning album. When you have a young child, you learn quickly that your Eminem, Rage Against the Machine, and other music you love just can't be blasted in house anymore. Anytime I hear White Horse, I have an urge to do the dishes!

I turn the iHome on, scroll to T-swift and we move around our 7 x 7 feet kitchen space getting coffee ready,  lunches,  dishes,  wiping counters,  joking around,  kissing,  prepping smoothies,  putting leftovers away, deciding on which mugs to use and setting out travel mugs,  feed the cat,  kiss again, hold the cat for a second,  fill water bottles,  whip off the stove,  sweep,  kiss,  mop,  set lunch boxes out, prep breakfast,  hold the cat again,  dream of having a bigger kitchen,  kiss,  take garbage out, and turn off iHome. We got through 5 Taylor Swift songs and lights out. Head to bed.

We read for a little while, joked around and lights out. Chris normally works night shift so he is asleep fast within minutes.

Mom brain happens.

I start reflecting on Open House, what I promised families, what do I need to bring tomorrow, who do I need to email, who forgot which form…..this goes on for what feels like forever. I glance at the clock. I've been laying here for 2 hours thinking about my to do list for tomorrow.

I determine it's a waste of time,  because I'm now messing with my sleep and I can't accomplish any of it right now.  I saw my own family for maybe an hour, my daughter for 15 mins! I'm losing sleep over things that won't get done if I'm half asleep tomorrow!

Now I'M REALLY MAD!! I realize something needs to change and NOW!!!

I calm down, and think to myself the first thought that changed it all.

I don't want to do this anymore.

That is when everything changes.


I pray.

I can see the street lamp letting in a yellow ambiance through our 1950's curtains that came with the apartment, and I stare at it. Like it has some power, street lamp, help me.

I think if my life has to be like this for the next 30 years, I will throw up.  I'm ready to let go, whatever I am MEANT to do, I'm giving it to you, God, universe, street lamp, whatever is out there. I'm yours. I'm done being in control, this isn't what I want. I want more time with my family, I want to watch my daughter grow up, not only spend quality time with my husband when we are doing our nightly routine,  TIME I want more TIME!

 I'm ready, I am letting go. I did the single most hardest thing I think any human being has a hard time with.

Letting go.

I fell asleep and truly let go. If the universe felt I need to work fast food, I would have done it. That's how much I truly let go! As long as it was Taco Bell.

The change happened instantly.

2 Weeks later.

I had taken some photographs of my daughter at sunset.  I had a history with Photography but didn't really take it seriously or ever believe I could make a living with it.

First Lesson: When you don't believe in yourself,  you're your own worst enemy.


The lighting was addicting.  It was beautiful and I had wondered if other photographers had caught on to this beautiful light.  Now I know it's called the "Golden Hour." Silly me!

A friend saw the images on Facebook, she asked if I could take images of her kids. I laughed, not realizing this would be my start.

I took her images for free, she bought me dinner. I delivered the images that night via Facebook. She shared them, people commented…tons of comments. I sat at my kitchen table with my laptop refreshing the screen to read new comments. It was addicting, it was a high. What the hell, they're just pictures, why are people loving these?

Literally dozens and dozens of comments. By the end of the night I had 4 shoots lined up for the weekend.

I completed all the shoots, for free. I realize how much time I was using up, my weekends are my time with family but it felt right. I wasn't sure how to express it but yes I was working full time as a teacher then using my weekends to shoot. How is this helping me spend more time with my family, I'm actually spending less but for some reason it feels RIGHT.

The next weekend I had booked 2 more shoots and decided to charge $20 for my time.

The next weekend I had my first engagement session at Pike Place. They asked me to shoot their wedding. I was excited and nervous so I offered to do it for free.

The engagement sessions got me a couple other weddings. Weird.

My first wedding came. I LOVED IT! LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT!!

Instead of coming home tired, mad, exhausted, I was dancing through the door. Excited to load photos, share stories with my husband.

I started booking up months in advance. I started a business page on Facebook and was THRILLED when I got 31 likes in a day. It felt like a million.

I hosted my first contest and got over 1000 likes. Those led to more bookings. Thanks Facebook.

I posted sneak peeks almost daily, more likes, more comments.

I reached 2000.

I was booking weddings. I had 3 lined up for the Summer.

I had a few companies reach out to me,  to be in wedding shows. However I didn't have a website so I wasn't creditable.

Second lesson. Get your stuff together if you're serious about starting your own business.

Other photographers started reaching out, we started liking each other's business pages,  giving support. I reached 3000!

I set up a styled shoot, held a giveaway and contacted my favorite venders. Jessica Drossin being my MOST favorite!!

I didn't think she would email me back but she DID!!!!!!  She may have not known it then but her reply gave me the confidence to keep going.

I bought a new camera. Third Lesson- have GREAT equipment!

I finished my 2nd year of teaching. I went into my 3rd year, it went by fast, I worked 2 full time jobs. My 4th year teaching, same thing but this time my energy was at an all time HIGH! My happiness from photography was transferring into my teaching. I started a dance club, I was smiling all the time, my IA commented that I'm seriously on a high right now, my classroom is literally filled with rainbows. She pointed out a HUGE rainbow I had the kids make, and rainbows that were hanging from the ceiling, and all the fruit and veggies lined on the table for the snacks.  My life was FULL of color.

I was fulling living and it was showing in all areas of my life.

I realized that year I could do Photography full time. I had gotten home from having 4 shoots over the weekend and made more in that weekend than I did 2 weeks teaching. The checks were sitting on my key table by the door. I kept staring at them, adding them up. I deducted the taxes I would owe and I still made enough to pay bills.

I looked over at Chris and explained to him what I noticed. He complimented me, "Great job, babe!"

I replied, "I think I can quit teaching."

He looked at me kind of shocked, did the math in his head and then said, "Yeah I think you can. It's up to you, just let me know what you want to do."

Then I told him what I had prayed about a couple years prior. What I really want, is more family time, I want to go to Kenz's first day of school, all her sports games, practices, ballet, eat breakfast together without being stressed, have her know I'm always available.

"I should do one more year and make it the best ever!" I replied, "Whatever you want to do babe, I trust you."  He replied.

Okay that was it.

Because of photography we could afford to buy a new car and move.  We bought a house with a yard close to our family.

Most important I spend MOST of my time with my family!!


Mykenzie with her brother Cash and cousins, Emmie & Bailey playing on our property!

Our chickens Lucky and Dusty eating radishes from our garden!

I was really sad to leave Seattle and my school! It was an amazing school and still is.  I had built strong connections with families and other teachers. However I wanted that connection with my own family.  I still miss the families, teachers and students!

I spent the entire Summer with Kenz and only worked on the weekends. School started and I played a different role this time, Mom, not teacher!!  I went to her first day of school and cried about 10 times! I was so excited to drop her off, linger around, and take a million pictures!

I went home, did some editing, blog posts, booked a few shoots, updated my website, cleaned the house, prepped dinner, and eagerly waited to pick her up!!

When Chris and I jumped in the car to pick her up, we couldn't stop smiling. This was our life now!


I gave her the biggest hug ever, we talked the entire way home, went through her new school packet, played Catan, ate dinner, she helped pack her lunch for the next day, we laid around talking and laughing. It was a freaking dream. I WAS FULLY ENJOYING MY DAUGHTER'S TIME! With no where to be or nothing to worry about,  it was perfect. It took 3 years to get to this place but all the hard work was worth it!

This became our regular, we were all spending so much time together, it felt weird when we weren't together. I coached Cross Country and Track, I went to all of her school activities, her grades were getting better and better because we had time to work on her homework together and figure out where she needed help. She got first place in Cross Country in her grade level because I had time to work with her, she started Gymnastics because we had time to commit to it. I was seeing more growth in my daughter than I had in years, our time together was invaluable and priceless. I prayed for other families and that they also would get this opportunity.

The next school year I had the option to go back to my classroom but if I chose to take another year off I would lose my classroom but still have the option of teaching in Seattle Schools. I was still unsure of what to do, the growth in my daughter made me want to take another year off,  but could we afford it.

We did the math, our budget was tight, really tight but we could do it. We just needed to make financially smart choices!

Thank you to all of you that support Raney Day and keep coming back. Your loyalty and support is what made my dream come true. My family will forever and always know what being a family is supposed to feel like because of you.


Thank you!

If you're ever questioning if you can accomplish your dreams, you can. However, don't be scared of the hard work, time, and dedication. It will pay off and NO IT WON'T HAPPEN OVER NIGHT. If you have a focus and know what you're working towards it will happen. I never expected anyone to help me, bail me out in hard times,  or hand me anything. I knew the benefits of starting at the bottom and working my way up on my own. It was a slow process but I was always gaining ground. I'm still gaining ground and working towards new goals. Some of these goals probably won't happen for 5-10 years but I'm still chipping away at them.

If you ever need support and a little push to follow your dreams, message me! I'll be your biggest supporter and number 1 fan!

Stay beautiful!


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Dear Daughter's on Mother's Day (For those with Mother's that have passed away)

I can't even begin to explain what happened. Devine intervention, The Universe, God, whatever you believe, this story is from a higher power. It was a few days before Mother's Day and I wasn't worried too much about it.

Dear Alicia,  Amanda,  Sara C,  Sarah G, and Stephanie,

I can't even begin to explain what happen.  Devine intervention, The Universe, God, whatever you believe,  this story is from a higher power.

It was a few days before Mother's Day and I wasn't worried to much about it. I was scrolling Facebook and saw a post, "A Letter to Motherless daughters on Mother's Day." I didn't feel like crying, so I didn't read it.

However that moment, reading that title,  took my heart in a completely different direction for that week than I had planned. It was your Mothers. There is no other explanation.

I started making calls, sending messages to my closest friends, clients and anyone I knew that lost their mother. If you recall it sounded something like this, "Hey, do you want to come and do a fun photo shoot with me on Friday, it's suppose to be beautifully sunny out. It will be fun and low key."

My gift from the universe is pictures. I might not always have the right words, or best answers but if you're feeling blue, I can take your picture and watch you light up when you see how beautiful you are! I can do that!

That simple gesture turned into a life changing experience for me. Thank you for that.   2016-03-15_0002

 I am close to all of you for different reasons, all from different walks of life and all at different stages of your mother's death.

 In two days I planned for you to be at my house, hair and make up artists lined up,  and I would do a session with you Edmond's beach at sunset.

Little did I know the magic that was about to play out in all our lives.

2016-03-15_0005Venders jumped on board and everything we needed was taken care of.

It was so amazing to see a community come together for such a great cause. I decided to contact a few News Channels to see what they thought of covering the event and King 5 was the first to get back to me.

Thank you again to everyone that helped make this possible. The mission was for each girl to feel INSANELY LOVED! Mission accomplished!

AMAZING Flower Crowns & Flower Center Pieces: Lola Floral

Delicious Pie Shooters & Homemade Sugar Cookies: Snohomish Pie Company

Yummy Green Smoothies & Sweet Potato Chips: Alive Juice Bar

 Perfectly Handmade Cards: Goodey Studio

Stunning Glass Jewelry: Cheryl Parrot

Adorable Homemade Lipgloss: Craft Botanicals

Elegant Letterhead: Milly design Studio

NUMMY Cupcakes & other Sweet treats: Mandy Pierce

Perfect Make up & Stunning Hair: Make Up By Timmi & Michelle-Make Up Artistry & Taylor Wickman

 Fun Vintage Couch & other decor: Vintage Ambiance

Amazing Dinner: Sponsored by Demetris on Edmond's Waterfront

Documenting the event so we can cherish it forever: King 5 News

Spread the word, Ring My Belle: Rachel Belle


To make things even more amazing, Edward the guy that recruited our story from King 5,  started to tell me the day of the event was actually his Mother's birthday and that she had passed away years ago and he was really close to her! Crazy timing!

Right after I got off the phone with him I got a message from Sarah G, she had been reading her mom's diary and she read an entry about Edmond's beach and it's beauty just a few weeks off from our event date. (Picture above)


Heather Graf from King 5 and awesome camera man Dave!

2016-02-02_0007Each of you bring your own gift to this world. Let me tell you how special you really are through my eyes.

First Stephanie walked through the door, she might as well of had a beaming light with angels behind her! Her smile lit up the house, she graced me with a huge hug and said she couldn't wait to see her sister! I had only met her one other time at her sister's wedding. I felt drawn to her instantly because of her courage and strength. When their Mother, Elaine passed away when the girls were young,  Stephanie often had to play the role of Mom and big sister.


Sarah G. followed soon after, her classic beauty and timeless effort was as if she glided through the door out of a classic black and white movie. Her beauty mirrors that one of Marilyn Monroe or Aubrey Hepburn. I've know her for years, actually a decade! We had recently reunited and picked up right where we left off.  You can see her wearing her Mom, Sandra's wedding dress!  I remember when Sarah and I had reunited and were chatting over drinks.  She mentioned her mom's passing and that it was one of the hardest things she had ever gone through. I hope this experience relieved some of that pressure, as I do feel strongly,  it was all their Mother's making this happen.


Sara C. followed next and gave me the biggest hug, with a her perfect laugh as we joked about something,  given our similar sense of humor!  Her piercing deep dark blue eyes put the blue skies to shame and her easy going nature makes you feel like you're family! I've know Sara for years and I have to give her credit for trusting me with her family pictures when I was first starting out!  Thank you Sara!  I was around when Odie, Sara's mom past away. I couldn't imagine what she was going through, I just remember noticing that she handled it with so much grace as she had to continue being a wife and mother to two adorable girls.


Alicia of our course came through the door looking like a Pop Star somewhere in-between Katy Perry and Britney. Bubbly, happy, gorgeous and makes you want to start dancing! I've know her since high school and the Summer before had the honor of photographing her beautiful wedding. Alicia has a beautiful tattoo along with her sister, of their mom's hand writing, saying "I love you."


 Amanda was last and beamed with a smile and her beautiful graceful face, soft eyes, and motherly nature put us all at ease. Her calming voice had us all relax! Amanda and I met at dinner party and became instant friends. We will always be in each other's lives, even if we don't see each other often! Amanda & her sister lost her Mother not long ago and her story of her Mother Linda hit close to home for all of us as it was very recent.


Each girl had never met each other before, but as our paths were crossing, it felt in that moment we were all where we were meant to be.

Amanda and Sarah below,  also came with their Mother's Wedding Dresses. You'll see them as you keep scrolling, and they wear them beautifully.

 I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.

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Thank you to Cindy Thompson for making sure we were able to send off Chinese lanterns in each Mother's honor including Edward's Mom. My favorite part was watching  you huddle together describing how each lantern did it's own thing and that's so…"My mom would go off in her own direction." or "There she goes float off into the water." or "She keeps soaring higher."

Amanda took the moment a step further with each girl by offering up an opportunity to tell their story. Thank you for that Amanda, it was beautiful to watch.

Happy Mother's Day you 5 beautiful souls!




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The Wolverton Family at Magnuson Park, Seattle, Wa

Have you ever shot a family with 4 boys of all ages and they're all polite, sweet, and incredibly respectful! Each time I photograph this family, if it's a styled shoot, a huge family affair, or an intimate family session, it's always fun, easy-going, and a great time!

I have to do a post on The Wolverton Family!

They're just such great people!

Have you ever shot a family with 4 boys of all ages and they're all polite, sweet and incredibly respectful!

Each time I photograph this family, if it's a styled shoot, a huge family affair or an intimate family session, it's always fun, easy going and a great time!

Sarah always gets out the car with a huge smile on her face and follows her husband Rob who also has a huge welcoming smile and 4 boys waving, asking how I have been and excited to get their picture taken. Even if something happens, such as the youngest, Hayes, getting a bunch of bad bee stings, everyone jumps in to help and keep the show going! Each brother helps in their own way, Sarah is sensitive and sweet while Rob runs to the car to see if there is anything that will help. They're a team, a family built together and staying together no matter what.

Ohana means family, and that means no one gets left behind!2016-01-21_0052.jpg2016-01-21_0053.jpg2016-01-21_0054.jpg2016-01-21_0055.jpg2016-01-21_0056.jpg2016-01-21_0057.jpg2016-01-21_0058.jpg2016-01-21_0059.jpg2016-01-21_0060.jpg2016-01-21_0061.jpg2016-01-21_0062.jpg2016-01-21_0063.jpg

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Ray & Danielle Engagement at Family Thomas Farm

I've been in contact with Danielle for a while now, she's one of those people you just feel instantly comfortable with. I feel like she could be my younger sister that I look after if anyone is mean to her and I would beat them up! I've grown to really adore her!

I've been in contact with Danielle for a while now, she's one of those people you just feel instantly comfortable with. I feel like she could be my younger sister that I look after if anyone is mean to her and I would beat them up! I've grown to really adore her! I love getting her texts and adorable selfies she took with my cats! (Girl after my own heart!) Ray has a very busy schedule with the military so I didn't get a chance to meet him until the engagement session! I could see instantly why they were perfect for one another and if Nicholas Sparks could write a new Notebook this would be the couple!!

You know those couples that almost have a love song that plays around them when they're together. You might not actually hear any music but it's the way they look at each other, the way they laugh, touch, smile, and they seem very calm in each other presence. That's Ray and Danielle. They were a love song all on their own. I kept smiling to myself as they giggled when they hugged or looked at each other. Their genuine love and admiration for one another gave me warm feelings and felt as if their light was so bright for one another it made those around them feel good too. Relationship goals at it's finest!

The best part was how they seem to communicate and look out for one another. Ray snuggled in close, with no worries at all if anyone saw as long as Danielle felt loved and adored. Danielle making sure he had what he needed, if she could help at all. On top of being in love they seem to also be best friends. Two parts that make each other whole. It was refreshing and calming to see such a couple that had balance, love and mutual respect for one another. I've said it over and over, but how lucky am I to meet such amazing people and get to be a part of their lives for the next year!

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The Riemenschneider Family of 6 {Lifestyle Photoshoot in Lake Stevens, Wa}

was searching Pinterest one day for marriage quotes, you know something about the beauty in real life and real-life moments. I only found how-to guides on how to bring the spark back or how to appreciate your husband.

I was searching Pinterest one day for marriage quotes, you know something about the beauty in real life and real life moments. I only found how to guides on how to bring the spark back or how to appreciate your husband. I was a little disappointed. No one has made quotes decked out in flowers and pretty letters about the joy of marriage and being a team as you raise your children together. As my daugther has grown I find beauty in all the small things she does, as my husband and I grow together emerging more and more into a friendship and love only we understand, I always take mental photographs of these moments.


They're not the moments you see hung on our walls or shelves but they're the real life moments that turn into what we call life. When Mykenzie's last fine baby hairs finally grew out, when Chris laid next to me on the couch and gave me a haunting loving look because he wanted so bad to propose to me in that moment, I had no idea but I will never forget the look. The moment I catch Mykenzie being sneaky but it's too funny to be mad about or when Chris and I laugh at an inside joke only we understand, that's real life. I wanted a cute Pinterest quote for it!

Instead I got something better. Way better.



To walk into a families home and document their real life is nothing short of amazing. As I knocked at the door I could hear tiny footsteps running as fast as they could to get to the door. Then waiting...obviously they were taught not to open the door for strangers. I smiled to myself, thinking about the same rule I have for my kids. Ben, their dad greeted me with a warm welcome and Allyce (mom) reassured me they were almost ready. Eleanor, the oldest greeted me with dancing and a huge smile that showed all her teeth! Caroline the newly middle child, brushed her fine blonde hairs out of her eyes and brought her shoulders up and gave me a huge smile as well. The house smelled of Christmas and cinnamon and tree lights twinkled in background. Two small baby bottles rested on the counter, for their newly born twins Amelia and Margaret. This home was filled with love, laughter, tears, joy, marker stains, laundry baskets and real life. I loved being here.


Welcome to the Riemenschneider House!

P.S. I made my own Pinterest Marriage Quotes based off how I felt during this session! (Scroll to the bottom!)

Feel Free to pin them if you like!


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The Unicorn Emoticon

I have been working so much lately I started to notice I wasn't spending as much time smiling, laughing, and just being myself. I literally have spent DAYS in the studio starring at the computer screen late into the night and up again early to get things done!

I have been working so much lately I started to notice I wasn't spending as much time smiling, laughing, and just being myself. I literally have spent DAYS in the studio starring at the computer screen late into the night and up again early to get things done! My cats have been my only company and it's not cute anymore. It was getting to a sad cat lady situation!

I was laying in bed one morning and I just didn't want to get up! I was exhausted on all levels. I made a mental note I needed to find a way to get around POSITIVE people and fast! I was this close to watching Richard Simmons workout videos…which I heard are actually good by the way if something didn't change!

I needed a smoothie, sunshine, fruit and to smile!

Ask and you shall receive. Insert Amy!

That same morning I got a text from Amy! I love following her on Facebook. Her posts are always cheery, happy and inspiring. She is her own #Bosslady! She has taken her Beach Body Business to the next level and her body shows the results! She looks bomb!  Yes, like in the 90's.."You look bomb girl!"

She text me that she needed head shots and our convo rolled from there. I jumped out of bed, eagerly texting away, excited that she would be at the studio! I used the new unicorn emoticon as her contact and felt the rainbow of happiness that is Amy start to pour in. I accepted eagerly!!!

When the day came it was everything I hoped it would be! We worked hard, laughed, ate fruit, basked in the sunlight and even though I was working, it didn't feel like work. It was just what I needed! A little bit of Amy in my life!

Great work Amy and I know you'll take your business by storm!!! Keep going Boss lady, we are all so proud of you!

If you're interested in Amy's story or just getting some unicorn magic check out her Facebook!


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Crystal & Deryk's Wedding at Bostic Lake Ranch

The day started calm as the boys laughed and snacked on goodies at the ranch. The ranch over looks a small Lake, the grass was freshly cut and lawn games were set out. The place was in full swing and smiles all around as everyone helped with set up.

The day started calm as the boys laughed and snacked on goodies at the ranch. The ranch over looks a small Lake, the grass was freshly cut and lawn games were set out. The place was in full swing and smiles all around as everyone helped with set up.


Crystal was still getting her hair pinned up and make up refreshed as Deryk folded his vows into his pocket. His groomsman patted him on the back and smiled, wishing him well and congratulating him on landing such a beauty as Crystal.


As the girls finished up the last touches in their hair and make up, they waited anxiously as Crystal put on her dress. The lace wrapped around her body like a glove and complimented her pearl skin. As she walked out, tears started to roll. Memories for everyone overflowed as this day was finally here. Hugs, kisses and more tears. It was time.


The ceremony site was full of Crystal and Deryk's closest family and friends. The sky showed small patches of blue and the sun tried desperately to seep in but the cloud coverage held back the demanding sun and offered cooling relief as summer had begun to end.


As Deryk and his son Bentley made their way down the aisle, waiting for mommy there was a warm and happy feeling in the air.

As Crystal made her way down the aisle, Deryk's face said it all. He was in love and had found the woman of his dreams, the beautiful mother of his son and his best friend for life.

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The ceremony was short and sweet. A first dance with bubbles created a whimsical look while everyone gathered around to watch. The children ran around popping the various sizes of soapy bubbles that changed colors in the light.

Everyone retreated upstairs where lights twinkled and created a warm feeling. Honey sticks were a sweet treat and engagement photos lined the wall of the happy couple. Burlap and lace hung on the walls and black lace wrap over the tables and beautiful white roses brighten up the room.

The night ended with toasts, cake cutting, dinner & dancing in the rain.


White rose pedals were thrown to wish the newlyweds off and the party continued into the night.

Congratulations Deryk & Crystal!


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Walkmans, Hand written Notes & Film

As most things go, things get better with time. As the digital age has taken over, film has become a thing of the past, just like disposable cameras, hand written notes & walk mans

As most things go, things get better with time. As the digital age has taken over, film has become a thing of the past, just like disposable cameras, hand written notes & walk mans. However as my 11 year old daughter walks around the house jamming on her aunt's old walkman and my old Mariah Carey tapes (true story) I can't help but smile and think it reminds me of the nice feeling of getting a hand written note.


I remember when my best friend asked me to be a bridesmaid and she wrote me the kindest letter in a cute card. I think about how film once made our day when we would pick up our prints at Safeway Photo Lab or Walgreens. Even if the digital age has taken over, some things can still bring the same amount of joy even if they have been replaced or improved upon.


When I first bought my Canon EOS ELAN II film camera I was skipping out of the store. I went in for a lens and lens cleaner and walked out with my film camera and convinced it would change my life. I had been wanting to try film for a years, ever since my mom gave me her Pentax but I wasn't sure about film's  significance or purpose. Until I saw my friend Savan Photography's work. Savain has mastered her film camera and posts her digital and film images next to one another. Your mouth will drop at the difference. Her film scans have a timeless look, the contrast is spot on and colors you don't see in digital spread across the scans. It's beautiful and something to really appreciate.


When I got my scans back they did not look like Savan's! I was so bummed!!!! They were really grainy, dark with green hue!! What did I do wrong?! This is where it get's good and gave me space to grow. Well, apparently there are different types of film that give you a different look. Fuji film has a greener hue while Kodak gold has a more golden hue. Okay next step buy difference film! I also had my settings on auto because I was too scared to shoot in manuel. Next step, shoot in manual and read the lighting around me to really challenge me on correct settings!


Wish me luck! I am so excited to try these new things! Here are a few of my favorite scans from my Fuji film and shooting in auto.2015-11-05_0005.jpg2015-11-05_0006.jpg2015-11-05_0007.jpg

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Jon & Regan's Wedding at The Lake House

Sometimes life is just humming along and you're going with the flow. A typical day, get up, play with your dogs, grab your coffee & call your sister. Life just hums along. Then in a moment the hum changes…

Sometimes life is just humming along and you're going with the flow. A typical day, get up, play with your dogs, grab your coffee & call your sister. Life just hums along. Then in a moment the hum changes…

Your boyfriend plans a surprise proposal and the next thing you know you're planning a wedding and in a month you've been engaged, got married and flew to Germany to live with your new husband. Sometimes life just hums along to its own beat but gives you the most beautiful memories to hold onto forever.


The morning sunshine lights up the house and glimmers over the lake. Regan's dress is pressed and hung. The girls are curling their hair and family members are placing the last details around the house.

Jon is downstairs and seems eager to get the day going and marry his bride. He seems happy and light hearted as he jokes around with his groomsman. There is an overall feeling around the house that is exactly where everyone should be on this day. It's bittersweet as all their loved ones gather in one space before they leave for Germany to live, in just a few short days.


Back in the girls room, Regan slides in to her dress, it fits like a glove and perfectly matches her personality. Her new cowgirl boots compliment the dress and her long blonde hair cascades down her back.

Its time for the first look, again no one seems nervous but rather excited and happy. Jon heads down the path and over a small bridge to wait on top of a small hill for Regan. His back is turned so he can't see her and he is all smiles. His body language says he has been waiting for this day for a long time and his mind is on one thing, Regan.


Regan glides down the path and the flowers compliment her smile. The slight breeze catches her dress and she looks like goddess as it flows around her. She calls out to Jon that she's coming and his spirits if possible lift even higher. His shoulders raise and a smile dashes across his face. She covers his eyes with her small hands and perfectly polished nails. He smiles again and turns around. His face expression is like a child on Christmas, the excitement, the joy radiates in the air.


They embrace, holding each other tightly, not worried about messing up their outfits or hair. This moment is for them and them only.

After a few moments alone and pictures the wedding party comes dashing up. "I wanted to cry, it was so beautiful to see your first look!" "You both look amazing!" "This is such a perfect day!" Everyone calls out!

Photographs are taken to document the mood, the colors, the special people and the overall magical feeling that is happening.


Everyone heads back to the house to prep for the ceremony. It's a full house as guests are seated by the house and down by the lake. The ceremony site is on a dock, projecting over the shimmering Lake. The sun is shining brightly and illuminating the flowers that decorate the site. As the music starts everyone slowly walks down the stairs to the dock including Regan's dog Reese, when it's Regan's turn everyone stands and sighs in awe at how beautiful she looks.


The ceremony is short and sweet but doesn't miss a beat on talking about their love story. Friends first, walking their dogs at a local dog park together, never pressuring one another for more but letting the relationship bloom organically into something beautiful.


They kiss and cheers break out! They almost dance down the aisle in happiness and seem proud they pulled off an amazing wedding in such a short time! The fun and excitement doesn't end here though!


The night is filled with a BBQ dinner at picnic tables placed around the property, everyone gathers for drinks and popcorn downstairs, dancing erupts, sunset pictures, heartfelt toasts, ice cream cones drips in children's hand and a funny dance of Let it Go from Frozen brings all the young girls to the dance floor!


The dancing continues late into the night and sparklers are lit while everyone is still dancing! It seems like a dream where time has stopped.  Almost everyone stayed until the last song was played! Life has played the perfect hum for these two and it was clear everyone agreed this was meant to be!

Congratulations Jon and Regan!



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